Chapter 8 Can't touch this

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Chapter 8

Can't touch this

 Jess POV

How the hell am I in Romania, I mean, yeah I guess it makes a little sense kidnap someone, get them out the country, but really why would you take them back to your home land not to mention the state my family will be in right now, wait, oh god, Supernatural is on tonight, I'M GONNA MISS IT, this is even worse then being kidnapped, my life is over, okay so maybe I was over reacting just a little again.

I snap out of my thoughts when I feel myself being nudged, I look up to meat the worried gaze of Sally, looking over her shoulder I look to Cassie, we will get through this, we have been in worse situations, kinda, well there was this one time the three of us where trying to pull a prank on the jocks in the guys change rooms, lets just say that they arrived back earlier then we thought they would have, we where forced to hide in the clothes bin, the smell will forever be imprinted in my mind, we where caught, but the principle decided that having guys drop their dirty laundry on us was enough punishment. 

Gulping loudly I turned back to face the woman, she had this dazed over look on her face, then all of a sudden here face scrunched up, almost in a startled expression, she shook her head from side to side, in a dog like manner, then looked over to me to meat my wondering gaze.

"Ce numele tău?" I give her a confused expression, not understanding what she said.

"Sorry I forgot that you don't understand Romanian" She stated with a thick accent.

"What is your name?" Do I really want to give my name to a complete stranger, I might as well what harm could it do, she looks perfectly trustworthy  with her sun dress on, suddenly I feel very under-dressed.

"I'm Jess, and this is Sally and Cassie" I say nodding my head in there direction, I try giving the woman a smile, she gives me a short nod.

'Multumesc, thank you." She whips  a phone out of her pocket and dials a number, as she places the phone to her ear I decide its a good time to leave and try and find a police man or something, as Cassie, Sally and I turn to walk away, a hand reaches out and grabs my upper arm holding me in place, I turn around to look at the woman, she holds her hand up, as if to say stop, turning fully around I stay in place, putting her hand back down she stares at the building behind us, I can't read the sign, as it is written in Romanian, but judging by the Books inside it is either a Library or book store. 

Sally, Cassie and I start a quite conversation, until we hear a masculine voice pick up on the other side of the line.  

"Da" He says, his voice slightly muffled, due to the fact that it was coming through a phone, she looks to us noticing that we had stopped talking and were listening into her phone, even though we would have no idea what he was saying she places her headphones into her phone, the places them in her ears, so that we can only hear what she is saying. 

 "Bună Alpha, da, am găsit atunci, bine, de fapt ei a venit la mine, nu ei nu bănuiesc nimic, eu sunt în afara Bibliotecii, să fie rapid, nu știu cât de mult le pot ține aici." She says into her phone, closing it, she turns her attention back to us, putting on a warm smile, she puts her hand outwards.  

"My names Liliana, but you can call me Liana, everyone does already" I shake her hand firmly, in turn she shakes Cassie and Sally's hands as well.

"You three are obviously not from around her, so if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing in România?" Liana asked us, this time it was Sally who answered.  

"We don't know, we don't know what we are doing here, or how we got here, we no nothing" Sally said tugging on her hair, a habit of hers that only arose when she got flustered.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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