Chapter 5 I officially HATE mashed potato

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Chapter 5

I officially HATE mashed potato 

Jess POV

Sally and Cassie are spending the night at my house, it is a tradition that we have had since BOF (Beginning Of Friendship), each Wednesday we have a sleepover at one of our houses.

When we first came up with the idea our parents thought that we where crazy, but then we pointed it out to them that they would only have to have us for one night and that in return they would loose us for two.

But before we could have our sleepover, we still had an entire day of school to get through.

Oh the joy of school, a place full of stereotypes, people who think they are gods gift to earth, and then you have the people who are actually cool, yet totally underrated (me, in case you where wondering).     


 "I have decided to grace you will my presence  this fine morning, so there is no need to send up an annoying brother" I casually tried to say whilst walking down the stairs.                                              

"Whats the catch?" Dad replies to my comment pouring his cup of coffee.                                                          

"Now daddy dearest, why on earth would there have to be a catch in order for me to be nice to my family" I give them a couple of seconds to let that little piece if knowledge sink in before I decided to tell them the truth, time to prepare my puppy dog eyes.

"okay, so I was just wondering if that by any chance I could have like 20 bucks, I swear it is going towards an amazing and deserving cause" I say to them looking at them each in the eye.

"And what would this amazing and deserving cause be" Mum asks me with a small smile playing at the corner of her mouth, while my dad on the other hand just looks suspicious.

"Sally, Cassie and my sleepover of course,  we need popcorn, lollies, drinks, movies and tissues" I start listing of with with my fingers.


"Well, did you get the money" Cassie asks me.

"yes I did, it was as easy as taking candy from dog"

"uhhhhhhh, i don't actually think that's the saying Jess" Sally tells me laughing.

"you sure, I've been saying it like that for years, what is it then, oh smart one"

"it was as easy as taking candy from a baby" Sally tells me trying to pull of a posh person voice.

"Can dogs even eat candy?"


 The school day went by pretty fast, the only eventful thing that really happened was at lunch time

Great all this food looks like crap, is mashed potato even supposed to be lumpy, so gross, how can people eat this stuff. I continued to wage war against my mash potato, that now looked more like stew, a side-effect from being pocked with a fork for a good ten minutes, I decided that I was no longer hungry and got up to put my 'food', if that's what you would even call it, in the bin. concentrating so hard on looking at the bin, I didn't notice that the sudden rise in temperature, or the fact that I was heading straight for a certain black haired hulk.

"oooff" I was falling, I just new I was going to get my mashed potato all over me, I scrunched up my face at the thought, impact did not come, instead I got a tingling sensation on my upper arm, I looked up to find Mr. Hulk himself staring down at me, i got caught up in his eyes for a brief moment before i realized what a compromising position I was in, I pulled my arm out of his grasp only to fall and land on my tray of food, great going Jess, you are a real genius, I thought to myself, standing up I wiped  the mess of my face and turned to look at Hulk.

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