Harry's birthday

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"Okay Niall reveal your tattoo," Harry says to Niall

Niall shows everyone his tattoo to the audience

"Niall that looks nice," Harry says as he looks at the tattoo in question

"Thanks, it's for Gia my little fighter," Niall says as he was looking at her cause she was looking at daddy and where he was

"She knows you, Niall," Zayn tells him

"Yeah she does now for Noelle," Niall says as he was going to get the second one for Noelle

Niall talked about Noelle and how she was different like her sister and he was going to get a twin tattoo for the both of them cause they were the only twins in the whole band

"Noelle sounds like she is a special girl," Harry says to Niall

"Yeah both girls are and I love them a lot," Niall says to Harry

"As Niall gets his other tattoo Harry played the footage when he fell at the Master's

"Maybe the girls will have their first laugh," Niall says as the girls were going to see it

"Maybe Niall" Harry says to him

Niall saw the girls laugh when they saw daddy on the screen and Niall could not believe those were his girls 

(Two months later)

Before Harry knew it was his birthday, and he was going to celebrate it with Kiwi cause Kiwi just turn a month old, and she was going to be two months old that month and he was getting excited that he was going to be able to take her on tour soon after he records the next album right now he wanted to be with her and spend it with her cause she could get sick and he would have to cancel the tour stop he was at until she was better, and he was not going to have no nanny watch her as well cause he hated that idea of having someone else watch her. If he was going to have anyone watch her it was going to be his mom watching her

"Morning princess," he says as he was looking at her cause she slept through the night 

Kiwi cooed at him 

"I say you are a happy baby this morning," he says as he was going to change her diaper and get her ready for the day cause he was going to spend his birthday with her cause he could not picture spending it with anyone else other than her 

Harry put her in a cute outfit that day and he was going to put a bow in her hair for the day and make her look pretty as a picture

"Kiwi Styles you look so beautiful baby," he says as he was looking at her 

Harry was going to warm a bottle for her so she could eat cause she came first before him at all times cause he cared so much about her and he will do anything for her 


"Okay since you have your belly full baby daddy is going to get his breakfast, and then we will head out for a day of fun and maybe sun if we are lucky" he says as he was going to put her in her stroller for the time being, so they could head to the cafe for breakfast that morning 

Kiwi loved looking at him s they were heading to the cafe 

"You going to stay up huh sweet girl?" he asks her 

Kiwi was contented the whole time he was having his breakfast 

'Okay baby daddy has been fed wanna go tot he park to play?" he asks as they head there

Soon the paps were out full force so he headed back to the house with her so they could chill and relax the whole day 


"Sorry about that baby," he says as he brings her in the house to calm her down

He saw the house was decorated while he had been gone for a while, and he planned on heading home soon, and when he did he saw the house was decorated just for him 

"I think your Uncles had something to do with daddy's party," he says as he was going to get her out so she could go on her activity mat for a bit while he was going to get her sling so he could have her close the whole time      

Do you think the boys decorated the house? 

More Harry's birthday is coming

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