Part 2

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Harry gets a phone call from CBS asking him if he would like to host another late-late show and of course Harry had to think about it cause he did not want to jump into this right away he wanted to weigh all of the options that he had right now and think if he really did want to do this cause he wanted to be a dad as well to his girls cause he wanted to be there for them as much as he could before they grow up without him cause once he had adopted the girls he wanted to be there for them and not be in their lives cause they had enough of that cause he had been busy with the reunion as well cause the guys wanted the reunion to be totally perfect for the fans as well

"I'm honored that you asked me I can come down later in the week to talk this over as well and see the day and time slot I am going to be filling as well" he says as he was talking to the producers of the show that they were working on for him as well cause this was going to take over the show that James hosted so they had to reimagine it and make it better as well cause they wanted to target every single audience that they could that was up at the deadly hour as well and they had to strike while the iron was really hot or they were going to lose their chance or opportunity in this case as well

Harry was happy that he was going to be doing late night as well as making music and acting as well too cause he was going to have to get a nanny for kiwi and any kids he adds to the mix cause he wanted Kiwi to have a sibling as well and he wanted the sibling to be close to her as well cause him and his sister was close as well as they were growing up together and if he does not have two girls he was going to feel like he had failed one of the girls as well especially little kiwi as well cause she would want a sister either older or younger especially older cause they could team up and prank their dad as well as they get older as well and having a sister was on the top of his list since he was starting a family since he was not seeing anyone at the moment either so it made total sense to have a family even if he has two girls or all girls cause he was all for being a girl dad at the most right now and he wanted to show his girls the works and show them what life has to offer as well too cause there is world of opportunities out there waiting to be explored and discover too

"Well kiwi sweetie daddy is going to be on late night television after he does his shows cause you and your sister is going to be going on tour with me" he says as he was going to change her diaper cause he could feel that she needed changed cause she went number two

Harry saw that she had a blow out and she needed a bath as well and he was going to start to think about the talk show name cause he wanted to have a good band when he starts his talk show as well and he had to think of his first guests and his first performance as well cause he wanted the guys to be on the show his first week as well and he wanted to perform for the audience as well that very first show as well cause that is going to be a very special show as well and he wanted to do skits as well to make people laugh cause he wanted to have a little bit of everything in his late show cause he wanted to have really good ratings as well his first week on the air too cause he wanted to show the network he could do this and show his girls he could juggle fatherhood as well cause he was going to be there for his kids and kiwi as well since she was little and she still needed daddy

"Come on kiwi let's give you a little bath cause you need it cause you got it all over you and you are a stinky baby and once daddy gives you a bath we can play for a little bit while daddy thinks about his new show that he is going to be doing for one of the local television networks cause this is going to be one fun roller coaster ride we are going to be on together" he says as he was looking at her as he was getting her ready for her bath that she was going to get

Harry played with her in the tub and washed her hair that she has and once she was cleaned again he was going to dress her in another pretty outfit that she had not ruined yet maybe she won't ruin it while they played or had supper that night either

Part 3 will come in the future when I don't work at all at either store period

Happy Easter

Harry's little Kiwi wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now