Late late show

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"You sure are a sound sleeper" he says as he kissed her as he got a text from James

James asked him if he could fill on for the late late show on short notice and Harry was up for it and he was going to bring Kiwi to the studio

"Well sweetie you are in for a fun night with daddy" he says as he looks at her as she was sleeping like a lamb in her crib

Harry was going to clean up and pack the diaper bag cause he was going to need a lot for her first night on the town and he was going to clean her up before she goes on and the fans know he is a dad


"Perfect once i feed her i will change her and dress her in a little outfit and head to the studio" he says when he hears her wake-up from her slumber

Harry fed and changed her and gave her a little bath

"You are all clean princess" he says as he was drying her off

Harry put her in a cute outfit to wear to the late late show 

"Okay sweetie let's head to the studio" he says as he heads out with her 

Harry had the limo take him to the studio 


"Here we are little one" he says as he gets Kiwi out of the car so they could head in and start getting ready for the late late show 

Harry heads for on of the dressing rooms cause he was going to change into something nice for the show and he was going to take Kiwi on as well

"Kiwi it's okay sweetie" he says when he hears her start to fuss

Harry was quick to comfort her 

"Here we go" he says as he gives her her paci to suck on to help comfort her since she looks like she needs it and he could not hold her the whole show he was going have to do something with her 

"Ten minutes Mr. Styles" a crew member says to him 

"Okay be right there" he says as he was going to wrap Kiwi up in a cute blanket so she was warm as they headed out 

"You are so beautiful" he says as he looks at her as she was looking up at him 

Soon it was time for Harry to do the show and introduce little Kiwi to the audience and the rest of the world 

"Here we go little one it is now or never" he says as he heads to the stage to do the show

Question for you readers who would you guys like to be a guest on the late late show comment below and it will continue, and i want some more guests as well like actors  

Harry's little Kiwi wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now