late late show part 4 preview

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"Enough talk about the kids we are going to be sharing our tattoo's on the show, and the little ones will get the ones that go on, and we will replay Niall's footage of him at the master's" Harry says to the crowd

"Are any of us getting a tattoo?" Niall asks Harry

"Yes we are going to be playing Tattoo Roulette 3.0" Harry says as the boys started to get a box

Niall was sweating bullets cause he was scared for what was going to happen

"What is the tattoo we are getting?" Louis asks him

"Anyone you want that has meaning for you" Harry says to the guys as they were by their box

"Zayn reveal your box" Harry says to Zayn

Zayn was safe

"Liam?" Harry asks him

Liam was safe as well

"Louis?" Harry asks him

Louis was safe

Niall was really freaking out now

Harry was safe

"That means Niall you must have the tattoo" Harry says as Niall was scared to open his box

Niall slowly opens it and he has the tattoo name

"Niall what tattoo are you getting?" Harry asks him

"A feeding tube for Gia" Niall says cause he wanted to get one for her since she was his world, and she was the one with the most health issues right now

"Where is it going?" Harry asks him

"Right on the bicep for her and her full name" Niall says as he was ready for it even though he is scared as golden state having a power outage during a game of needles

The guys were going to be next to him as he was getting his tattoo as he was watching the girls play with the other kids 

"You nervous Niall?" Liam asks him

"A little, but i know it's for Gia" Niall says as he was prepared for the tattoo for his little girl

Niall was looking at her the whole time and Noelle as well cause he was going to get a second one for Noelle in time on his other arm

"She is quite a brave little girl" Harry says as he looks at her

"She is i love her to pieces" Niall says as the tattoo was going on his arms

"We will be back" Harry says to the camera's

Niall was focus on the girls the whole time as he got the tattoo 

"Looks great Niall" Zayn tells him

"Thanks Zayn" Niall says to him as he still was getting the tattoo 

Niall was squeezing Harry's hand the whole time he was getting his tattoo cause it was starting to hurt 

(Much later)

"Okay Niall reveal your tattoo" Harry says to Niall

Niall shows everyone his tattoo to the audience 

You guys want anything else so it can go to six parts if you want. Comment on what else you wanna see 

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