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As I pulled into the parking lot the next morning I found myself next to a flashy silver Volvo. The next thing I noticed was the school buses lined up along the lot. I groaned as I remembered what day it was.

We had a science field trip.

Hitting snooze had meant that Bella had stolen the last seat on the bus with my friends on it. I internally panicked as I realized the bus I was getting on was nearly full, save for the back of the bus where the Cullen family sat, quiet and staring at no one in particular.

As I walked down the aisle I hoped I would snag an open seat someone, but the closer I got to him I realized my luck had run out. At first he was sat away from the window, taking up both sides of the small bench.

"Saving that for someone?" I asked politely.

He barely glanced my way.

"Look. That right there is the last seat, so either scoot or I'll climb over you," I crossed my arms as I waited.

He muttered something too quick for me to catch which resulted in one of his sisters, the small one Alice, reaching over the seat and smacking him on the back on his head. He responded by sliding over in the seat. I thanked him as I reluctantly sat beside him, the bus then lurching forward through the parking lot.

As I sat next to Edward I couldn't help but let my mind wander to the things Jacob had told me. I searched my mind for some sort of clue as to what he meant by the Cullens not being allowed on our land. It seemed childish, especially considering it had to do with our ancestors - not them.

"You missed a pretty cool beach trip," I tried to initiate a conversation as he stared intently out the window.

"Did I?" That familiar musical voice piped up from next to me.

"Uh, yeah. Sort of a 'welcome home' thing for my brother and I. Well, kind of." I was suddenly at a loss for words.

That's what Bella had told me, at least. Her and Angela had hugged me goodbye last night and asked how I enjoyed their welcome party. It was nice to know they were happy to have me in their friend group.

"You have a brother?" He asked, suddenly interested.

"Older brother. His name's Tala," I smiled, hoping to continue our conversation.

"I apologize that I wasn't able to properly welcome you two to Forks," he said sincerely.

"Well, not really to Forks." I corrected.

"You don't live in town?" He asked.

"No. We live up on the reservation," I spoke slowly, hoping he didn't have the same deep-rooted values that my family seemed to have against them.

"Is that so?" A cheerful voice quipped from above my head.

I didn't miss the look Edward shot his sister. She was much friendlier.

"Yeah, I was born there but we just moved back," I explained politely.

"But you go to school all the way down here?" She seemed genuinely interested.

"My mom went here," I shrugged.

The bus stopped abruptly and Alice gave me one last parting gaze before skipping to the front. I half-expected Edward to run ahead of me to be with his family, but he stayed back.

"Are you not...?" I gestured to the four other Cullens who had gone ahead.

"I'd like to continue talking, if you don't mind."

I was shocked for a half-second before I let a small smile break across my lips.

"I'd like that."

"So, I'm assuming this beach trip was on the reservation then?" He asked as we walked behind the large group of students.

"Yeah, first beach. I should have invited you, but..." I trailed off.

But what? I didn't know him well enough, hardly at all really. Why would I have invited him?

"My family and I don't go to the reservation." There it was. The magic words.

"Family traditions die hard," I murmured.

"So you know?" He seemed surprised by something I had said.

"My....uncle was very opinionated. Jacob Black explained some old family traditions I hadn't heard," I shrugged.

"What would those be?" He asked cooly.

"Um, something about your ancestors and my ancestors not being the nicest towards each other. Really, that's all. Honestly one of the more boring stories I was ever told. But it's different coming from my dad than it is some kid," I sighed.

"Your father tells you lots of stories about your heritage then?" Edward pushed the conversation.

I didn't know what compelled me to open up to him. His comforting smile and intent eyes paired with the dreary feeling and water dripping from the plants, perhaps.

"Used to. Never anything about, like, important stuff." I put quotations around the word as I said it. "Just stuff like traditions and family values."

"Used to..? Has he-"

"Yeah. Last year," I nodded as I shoved my hands into my pockets. I cursed as I realized I left my heavy jacket in my truck.

"My parent's died when I was very young."

Edward's confession surprised me. I had grown used to the usual questions; Why? How? When? Followed by a string of condolences. His empathy felt more meaningful than those empty statements.

"You and your siblings were adopted," I remembered.

"Yes. Esme and Carlisle are very kind," he said, his voice full of respect. "My parents died a...very long time ago. It does get better, but only slightly."

"I really appreciate that." I said honestly. "You're really not that bad."

"Did you believe I was?" He said, a small smile lighting up his face.

"You were very rude," I admitted.

"How can I make it up to you?" He asked as we came to a stop in front of my friends who were laughing loudly at Eric.

I turned to answer Edward when I was swept away with Jess, who was running from the worm on Eric's stick. I shot an apologetic look his way but he had already disappeared from sight.

If only he knew how much I wanted to take him up on his offer.

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