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"Aiya will you get up alread- woah."

I groaned as Tala threw my bedroom door open, letting the hallway light shine in on us. Bella and Angela had taken my bed while Jess and I slept on the air mattress we had borrowed from Seth. It was a good night. We had snuck out the backdoor to go down to the water, only to be met with the freezing chill of the night.

But I had enjoyed myself. We all did.

We stumbled across some massive animal tracks and Bella spooked us with her fathers bear stories, but luckily we ran into some boys that I recognized from Sam's so-called gang. After assuring us they were not going to murder us, and earning a few flirtatious laughs from Jessica, they offered us a ride back home.

As we laughed quietly, hurrying through the house back to my room, I noticed my mothers door was open. She knew we had left, but something told me she wasn't worried. Just how she wasn't worried when Tala casually mentioned he was going cliff diving.

So either: she trusted us, she wanted us to be happy by any means possible since dad passed, or she genuinely felt safe of the reservation.

I wasn't sure which it was.

"You're hot, but right now you really should not," Jess complained as she covered her eyes with a pillow.

"I didn't know you had company," he said sheepishly, "Guess I know why mom wanted me to invite you."

"Invite us where?" I corrected.

"I'm going down to Emily's for breakfast," he paused and looked at his watch, "Or lunch "

Emily. She was a very, very nice girl. Leah's cousin, actually. Which made what happened even worse. Shortly after Leah had gushed about Sam, she found out he was seeing Emily more and more often. I didn't feel comfortable going there after what happened.

"I think we're gonna grab lunch down in Port Angeles. Thanks, though." I gestured for him to close the door.

An hour or so later we had all woken up enough to drag ourselves out of bed. I let Jess borrow some clothes and Bella had brought an extra change for Angela. We decided to take Jessica's mini van for the extra space, as long as we got to listen to her music as she insisted.

The drive to Port Angeles was new for me. Every field we passed and every part of town was new and wonderful to me. I couldn't remember going into the city when I was little, so I was excited to see the place now. We sang to the songs we knew and finally she pulled into a parking spot outside the boutique.

"Hello ladies!" An older woman greeted us as we entered the store. "What are we looking for today?"

"Prom dresses," Jess beamed proudly.

"Oh, fun!"

After a couple hours, Jess decided on a long magenta maxi dress with white gloves and Angela picked out a lavender piece that clung to her perfectly. Bella browsed for a while but was insistent that she wasn't going.

"Aiya try some on!" Angela begged but I shook my head.

"I only grabbed a little from my wallet and there's a book store a couple blocks down that I want to check out," I admitted.

"I think I know where you're talking about; I went there a week or so ago. Want me to walk you?" Bella piped up from her chair.

"No, that's okay. You guys find some shoes and I'll meet you at the restaurant," I said as I waved bye to them.

I've never been in this part of town, so for me to try and find it on my own was laughable - but I needed time to myself. I loved my friends dearly but everyone had a certain amount of social time they could handle. My limit had been reached after the fourth dress Jessica tried on.

I didn't have what you would call a good sense of direction, either. That much was obvious. I still got lost on the way home from school sometimes and mom and me had gone over it a hundred times; It happens. With some luck, and a few helpful people who walked past me on the way, I made it to the book store before the sun went down.

Can y'all guess what's coming next?

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