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A beach trip was exactly what I needed to get my mind off the past weeks events. I hollered in excitement as I saw the sun poking through the clouds. Pulling a faded pair of shorts and a long sleeve shirt, I slipped them over my bathing suit. I was going to take full advantage of the weather.

"Someone looks happy," Mom commented as I brewed myself a warm cup of tea.

"Can I go down to first beach with some friends?" I asked as I realized I had forgotten to mention the trip.

"Friends?" She asked startled, and immediately corrected herself, "Like, from here, or?"

"Well, yeah. I figured Tala would tag along with his group and I'd invite Jacob Black and Leah and Seth. But it's mostly friends from school," I explained as Tala came into the kitchen.

Tala had been acting....different. I didn't know how else to put it. He had always had relatively long hair, but after 'catching up' with some friends he had cropped it short to match theirs. I figured he wad just getting back in touch with his roots, and I was happy for him. He smiled wide as he glanced out the window, ducking to do so. He had shot up a few inches, I noticed, but I guess I hadn't been the most in touch with my family after dad passed.

"Sounds great. I'll go gather up the boys," he smiled cheekily.

"The boys?" I snorted.

"Yeah, Sam Uley and all them," he grinned. "We were wanting to go cliff diving anyways."

"I'm sorry what?" I blanched. "Do you want to die?"

I was surprised to find my mother didn't even flinch as he said the words. She had been the most doting on us that she had ever been after dad passed away, but she simply mumbled a 'have fun' as he bounded off to find his friends.

I tried to shake off the weirdness of what just happened as I grabbed my keys.

First stop: Leah and Seth's.

I skipped up to the front door and debated whether or not I should knock. Sue beat me to it, though, and she opened the door before I took the first step.

"Oh, Aiya." She pulled me into a big hug, "I missed you, dear. How is school going?"

"Auntie I saw you a few days ago," I laughed as I slipped into the house around her, "It's good. I've made good friends."

"Anyone special?" My uncles voice called from the kitchen.

"Funny. No," I thought about my first week. "There is one guy, well, a family really. They're weird."

I didn't miss the look Harry shot Sue as I spoke.

"Who?" Harry asked casually.

"The, uh, Cullens? Weird kids. One of them is my lab partner but I think he hates me." I shrugged.

"Ah,"  Harry murmured quietly.

"The Cullens...are outsiders. Don't bother yourself with them, dear. Leah and Seth are up in their rooms. Natalie already called to let us know what you were doing." Sue smiled kindly, but her eyes were hard.

I decided not to push the conversation any more as I took the stairs two at a time up to my cousins rooms. Seth poked his head out of the doorway and his hair flopped lazily around his ears. He needed a haircut.

"Hey Leah, Aiya's here!" He called out as he joined me in the hallway.

"I wanted to know if you guys wanted to join me down at first beach? With some friends from school. I'd feel-"

"More comfortable with your own kind?" Leah interrupted. "I'll grab my bag. You're driving?"

"Sounds like it."

Leah wasn't fond of the idea of bringing Jacob along with us, but I persuaded her with news of Sam and his group tagging along with Tala. Seth knew the way better than I did, so when we pulled up to the small, faded red house I wasn't familiar with the tall boy out front. We were related somewhere along the way, but then again, we all were family on the rez.

"Jake?" Seth hollered out the window as Leah dragged him back into the truck.

The boy was handsome, that much was obvious, but in a boyish way. His face was round and his hair hung past his shoulders, but broad muscle could be seen through the shirt he was wearing.

"Clearwaters...and new comer, welcome," he smiled a big, infectious grin.

"Aiyana. Just moved back home," I introduced myself.

"Right, yeah. My dad mentioned you. You go to Forks, right? With Bella Swan," he asked.

"Yes, actually. First person I met. Recognized your dads old truck. That's why I was inviting you down to the beach with us. Bellas coming, and a few others." I invited him, hoping the news of Bella would sway him.

"Absolutely! Let me grab a jacket."

As he disappeared into the house I couldn't help but smile to myself. I had only been in Washington a week, but it already felt like home. The people, the reservation, my family.

Everyone had been so welcoming.

Well, except one.

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