5~ Marcus

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"Dad. Dad. Dad! I feel really sick!" Of course he just ignores me.
"Mum. I really don't feel so good."I sign.
"That's enough honey, you're fine! Come on." She signs back. I sigh deeply.

I know, I know, it seems really fake regarding the circumstances, but I woke up today feeling really off. Really hot, but shivery. Really ill.
Of course no one will believe me, it's not like they actually care anyways. They'd probably all have a party if I all of a sudden dropped dead.

Okay... maybe I feel bad saying that, but they seriously don't seem to like me at the moment. They're the only people I have in this miserable world and 2/3 are ignoring me.

So anyways, here I am, walking an extremely long way with my whole, stupid family. My feet are aching, my head is throbbing and I feel like I'm gonna throw up, but no one notices so I keep walking.


It's been a good 15 minutes, and I somehow feel even worse. I'm finding it hard to walk in a straight line, and impossible to keep my eyes open. So I stop, and of course I'm at the front. I stand there for a few long seconds, trying to regain my balance, but I just feel even more dizzy. I can hear my heart pounding in my head, going at a thousand miles per hour.

I jump when I feel my mum tap my shoulder. I take a deep breath and slowly turn around, trying not to make anything worse. Everyone suddenly looks concerned, even dad! Do I really look that bad? I want to say something but my hands won't move and I don't have the energy to persuade them.
"Are you okay?" Mum says. I shake my head quickly, and god I've never felt anything worse. It hurts so much, so much that I just burst into tears. It's pathetic, I know, but it really really hurts. Mum quickly wraps me up in her arms and tries to stifle my sobs. I'm pretty sure I'm not making any noise, but I guess it's just to be safe. I know crying is just gonna make it worse but in this moment there's nothing I can do to stop it.

When I've finally calmed down a bit mum slowly pushes my head off her chest. I take a shaky breath and step away from her. I notice Regan and dad sitting in the sand behind us looking really worried. Slightly embarrassed, i swiftly turn around and resume walking. I can't imagine the confused looks on everyone's faces right now, but I couldn't really care less.

I keep going until I get so dizzy I legit feel like the world is spinning, and that's when everything went black.

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