||. CHAPTER 7 : RUSH .||

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Keeping her hair up in a neat and tight bun, Rachael transferred the written map into her G-Tab before leaving their cubical. It was almost three in the morning, which means most of the researchers would be asleep, leaving them to deal with the guards and systems to be hack in. By six in the morning, most of the citizens in Mars would be awake, so they have a total of three hours to get their father from the Research Department and also heading over to Sa'ne. Both Captain Chen and Ranveer had decided to put on the guards clothing they had stolen. Arthur slipped his formal G-Tab in between his jeans as he looked through the informal ones for more data.

Chen and Ranveer both were discussing on their plans for getting Stefan out. It would not be easy. That is for sure. Guards would be guarding at the cubical where Stefan is resting in. Well, resting – to be assume. He might be laughing and giggling around. It was at that moment, when they were heading towards the Research Department, Arthur looked forward at his uncle. "What happened to the two guards whom you have steal the uniform from?" He questioned before resuming his study on some of the numbers in his G-Tab. As much as it needs the Yellow Base to keep it untraceable, the siblings had also created a small chip to be slipped into the tab to prevent tracing as they roamed around. Rachael had been burying her head in between the numbers, trying to crack the code to enter into the secured cubical where Stefan was residing in.

Chen looked ahead, his helmet covering his face as he walked next to Ranveer who took a turn to the left, heading towards the Special Areas in the Research Department. Holding tightly onto Riffle 11, Chen chuckled. "What else? We knock em' on the head and stash them in the basement."

Arthur's eyes widened at the response. "Wait. You have got to be joking right?" He questioned for assurance, turning to Rachael who was already looking up at the answer provided.

Ranveer made a 'tsk' sound from his lips before punching in some numbers and swiped the card he had took out from his pocket. "You kids think we are old timers, still don't you?"

"Considering that we are in a crucial situation, I do think that old timers have their ways to knock people out. But, you do slot in some extra olive oil in the salad right?" Rachael asked, locking her G-Tab.

"Of course, we do. We injected them with EL 4." Ranveer stated as he looked around before making a few turns to the other corner, almost reaching their destination only to pull the kids backwards when he spotted four guards at the entrance.

"EL 4. EL 4." Arthur muttered before he gasped. "Gosh, that liquid. How did you even get it?"

Rachael glared at her elder brother. "Can you save that love story of your liquid for another day, brother?"

Arthur shrugged before all four of them took a peak out at the guards who were patrolling at the entrance of the Special Areas. Before this, there would only be two guards at duty, but the President must have increased his security on the place. Chen head-counted the guards only to turn back towards the rest of the three with worried eyes as he removed his helmet.

"We are going to cause chaos if we go in like this. We need a really strong plan." Chen stated.

"How about we just shoot at the guards? Or do 'Get Help'?" Ranveer suggested, referring to one of the old movies he watched.

Arthur brushed his face with frustration written all over it. "If you think this is acting then, go ahead. I shall take another route."

Chen chuckled. "We needed the light moment, but on a serious tone..." He stated turning to look at the guards. "There are six of them, we can't possibly take them all out."

Rachael listened carefully before she stuck her head out, eyeing all the guards. She wouldn't mind giving it a shot to have hand-to-hand combat, but she noticed one of them having a different weapon. She did not want to risk herself getting shot with that. Turning her head to the corner, she noticed a familiar figure. A wide smirked formed on her face as she saw Jonathan strolling down into the Research Department. Now, that is worth a shot. Slipping back behind their hideout, Rachael turned to look at the rest.

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