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Log 46, 5th June, Year 3393 

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Log 146 recorded by Dr. Arokana. First specimen, MR 19-1 is showing terrible symptoms. Breathing is abnormal and blood pressure is getting higher at each rate. Its body is as cold as ice. Eyes expanding out of control. Pupils dilating. There is a shrinking on the head. Hair cells began to weaken as hair began to fall off. Jesus Christ! MR 19-1's eyes had just popped out of its head. Dr. Ismail can you bring the tweezers here for me. Blood is not in red as stated before in Log 100. Blood has changed from magenta to grey with a stench similar to a dead rat. Skin began to peel off bit by bit like acid. Let's see if we can operate its abdomen to look at the organs inside. Oh, my goodness!! Ahem. Organs are all corroded. No sign of useable organs or recycled organs here. Conclusion, test on MR 19-1 is a failure. Body will be disposed immediately in the Red Room. We have no idea what MR 19-1 is and cannot identify its species based on the records in our database. It is possible that Planet 14 host a new species not in our database. That is all for today. Good night and thank you.

= xxx =

"Captain Ranveer here. Permission for BT 21-95 to land on West Deck 3.4? I repeat permission to land." Ranveer repeated as he stirred the space shuttle, awaiting for permission from his leader.

"How's Captain Halton doing, Captain?" His assistant questioned while pushing some buttons to steady their space ship as they both waited patiently.

Ranveer sighed. "The last time I check on him, he was mumbling illogical things, Tyson. We have lost four best researchers on Planet 14. That is the biggest loss we have. President Mc. Conner is not going to be happy about it."

"Captain Halton was the only survivor. He is now the big hit in BT 21-95, Captain. I have heard rumors from the rest that he is crazy." Tyson muttered as he looked out of the window, watching another space ship loading into their compartments.

"Well, do you think he is then? Rumors are meant to be spread. No one could stop these. It depends on how we see it." Ranveer explained.

"I don't know, Captain, but I believe all mad people are the best. All crazy people are the ones who make things possible. They are saner than we are."

"Captain Ranveer, BT 21-95," the voice echoed through the speaker. "Permission to land on West Deck 3.4 granted."

Ranveer stirred his space ship into their compartment. If crazy people are the ones who make things possible, could it be that Stefan was the one who caused the death of all four of their researchers or would be he one of those who would be able to create new allies with the creatures in Planet 14? Or perhaps maybe some of them would be sent off for the same mission on Planet 14. Seeing what had happened to Stefan, Ranveer dared not step into the planet again. Rescuing Stefan was an easy task but surviving there is a whole new level of things. Picking up the bottle of CA 15-5, Ranveer gulped it down as he headed out of the spaceship, ready to face the long metallic music from everyone on Mars.

"Captain Ranveer!" Captain Chen bowed as he looked towards the younger captain who bowed in respect before shaking his hands. "Good to have you back on Mars. I am glad you could make it back in time before the dateline given. Where is Captain Halton?" Captain Chen questioned before tilting his head to the side.

"Thank you, Captain Chen. I am glad to be back here too, Captain. He is..."

When he heard the sound of Stefan chuckling softly, Ranveer stood aside for a moment as he watched the guards escorting Stefan out of the space ship. Stefan was clutching onto his notebook tightly, his camera hanging around his neck proudly like a gold medal. He was giggling and laughing on his own, turning to ask the guards some questions. Captain Chen raised his eyebrows at what he had just seen. He was shocked to see his situation. Clearing his throat, Captain Ranveer turned around.

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