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Log 156, 15th December, Year 3393

No one survives the crash. I am all alone here in this swamp, eating something like meat. I do not know what this is, but it tasted like bacon and reminded me of my favourite bacon burger. I am pretty sure that despite all these months, the Burgerteria in Mars is still available. Right? Alright, back to the point. All our specimens are destroyed. There isn't any left, but I do notice something strange here on this planet. Something rather human-like. I have sketched some of them in the book here so that if any of your kind souls have decided to come and save my ass here, I would be able to tell you the whole story. They look almost like an angel. Their voice as sweet as angels, harmonizing with the sound of crashing waves. I have tried getting some blood samples from these...

= xxx =

"It's been hours you are awake and listening to this, Captain Halton. I need you to explain to me what happened during the crash. How can all the other members be dead, except for you? What did you do to them?" Captain Ranveer questioned as he plopped himself in front of Captain Halton, switching the camera off, snatching the book away from his ex-colleague.

Captain Halton looked towards his old colleague with a soft chuckle escaping his lips like a young child awaiting for more ice cream to be fed to him. He giggled and began mumbling gibberish on his own. "Yeah. Why? Why? Why am I not dead?" He chuckled again as he patted onto the seat next to him. "Come, buddy, sit here with me. Let me tell you a secret. Shh..." Captain Halton looked into Captain Ranveer's eyes deeply and placed his finger on his lips gently, tapping them. "Oh, they are so smooth like fish scales." Halton giggled.

Ranveer sighed, reaching out to hold onto both Halton's rough palms tightly. "Stefan, look at me. Look in my eyes," he said gently. "Stef..." Ranveer started again as he looked around, making sure that there isn't anyone else listening. 

"Look, we are on our way back now. You are safe now. You can tell me anything. What is it that you saw? Why are you like this? None of them will hurt you again."

Stefan's grey eyes looked towards Ranveer's black ones, tilting his head to the side and grabbed onto his palms tightly as he hissed softly, clicking his tongue multiple times. "Can you sing, Ranveer? Sing for me."

"Stef, this is not a game..."

"Sing. I want you to sing for me! Do as I say!"

Stefan's voice was stern and strong, yet at the same time it sounded childish. Hearing his old friend's request, he started singing an old traditional song he had once learnt back in Earth before mankind disappeared and was transferred to Mars. After about half the song, Stefan clicked his tongue again, shaking his head with dissatisfaction in his eyes. He tapped his fingers onto the soft mattress below him, humming an unknown melody on his own. Ranveer studied his friend's features.

They had been colleagues ever since the first mission was given to them. Stefan was a gifted student. Thus, he was sent out with a team of other top score researchers to study on a new-found planet. Instead of having a talkative and knowledgeable Stefan, he returned, partially in daze, mad and staring at his notebooks and logs about some kind of creature Ranveer couldn't put his finger on. Stefan made another clicking sound on his lips, once, twice and then laughed at Ranveer who looked out at one of the guards who were guarding their sleeping chambers.

"See, that is the difference, Ranveer." Stefan started, waving his fingers in the air before pointing on his ear. "They sing differently. As soft as the ocean waves yet as thunderous as the storm. Lips as soft as dandelions and sound as sweet as honey. No one could be compared to them. No one would be able to have their voice. Beautiful. Strong. Fearless and...." Stefan stopped and added. "Magical."

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