chapter 3

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I said Luna what are you doing here in Gotham. She said I could ask you the same thing we haven't seen you since you ran away seven  years ago. I said I forgot about the loud house amr move on with my life. She seemed hurt but we are your family how could you do this to us. I huffed and said really you think that's what family's do cast each other out treat them like garbage then beg for forgiveness well that isn't how life works. I walk away to my motor cycle. I felt someone grab on to my hand I turn around and saw luna on her knees with tears running down her face. She said please little bro forgive m me. I said I'm not your little bro anymore and you had your chance five years ago. She still didn't let go of my hand I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pull my hand from her and pull out my iPhone and check the called id. It was Bruce . I answers hello he said have you gotten the job done yet. I  said just done coming to the manor right now. I pull my hand which I didn't even realize she was still holding on to. I walk away I heared groaning and I turn around to see the man getting up from the shot I gave him in the leg. I knew that wouldn't be enough to keep him down until the police came now I'm going to have to end his life. I pulled my gum out of the holster and shot him in the head he fell down back on the ground and blood started to gush out of his head wound I put my gun back in the holster and walk away. I knew Luna was following me and I don't want to  hurt. I said Luna why are you following me?. I said if you don't stop following me I'm going to have to dispose of you I could hear her breath hitch at the thought. I pulled out my electric stun busts I personally created these when I want to stun someone. I loaded it and it stick to the part of you and it has a receiver and I have the transmitter. When I activate it releases a electric shock not lethal enough to kill you but it will knock you out. I pointed the gun to her head and I said last warning will you stop following me. She said no I said fine by me I use the butt of my gun and slap her in the head. She fell unconscious I couldn't shoot my sister as much as I hate her. I carried her to my bike and drove her to the hospital  I changed out of my super hero costume and carried her to the hospital because of Bruce I have quiet the reputation in  Gotham. He adopted me but I choose to drop my last name I'm now and will always be Lincoln Wayne.  I told the nurse that I rather not be named and I made a fake incident and told them that  when  they ask they would  know. I walk out of the hospital and went to my motorcycle and drove to the  have constructed tunnel that led to the bat cave I took it and arrived at the bat cave a few minutes and I saw batman on the super computer. I said hey  Bruce fun night isn't  it. Why were you at the Gotham hospital. I said can't just let it go can you Bruce he said that's not the question that I ask. I said something happened at the concert and well I explain about meeting my sister he listened intently and said you brought her to the hospital. I  nodded good job Linc you did the right thing I said thanks and took the elevator upstairs and I ended in front of the front door. I turn and headed upstairs I saw Alfred and he said welcome home master Lincoln. I said hey Alfred I walk upstairs and walk to my room aka dick Greyson's old room.  I open the door and put my gun on the night stand and I took out my phone and put it on the night stand and then I took off my costume and flop down in my bed and I check the time and saw that it was just 6:00 I sighed take a quick nap before I have to go patrolling with batman. I doze off and I had a dreamless sleep until I heared a familiar beeping sound and I check my phone it was a alert I check who it was from. I saw that it was from batman I answered it and said hey what's up he said suit up and get down here. I knew he was serious it was in his voice I jump up and suit up  carried my phone and took up  my gun. I use the  the secret passage way that led from my room to the bat cave.  I tool it an saw batman on the super computer I said what's the trouble he said is threatening to murder people in the Gorham hospital. My face turn from serious to pure horror that was the hospital Luna was in. I said what ate we waiting for let's go.  I jump on my motor cycle and said let's ho he jumped on his bike and we drove to the  hospital. When we arrive their was a whole squad of police I didn't wait for batman I came off the bike and walk past the police border and walk towards the front of the hospital. I felt someone grab my hand I turn around and it was Bruce he said I know you care about her but if you go in she will die along with all these hostages let's think about this smartly. I had a idea I said you go from the back while I distract them at the front he smiles now your thinking smartly LINC the police was just their and they weren't doing anything.  I sighed they were really useless. I walk to the front of the  door. And saw joker with his henchmen laughing with guns at the hostages head. I put my gun in the holster and said hey joker he look at me and smile his yellow teeth showing.  He said if it isn't the the new boy blunder I said for a clown your really dumb. He seemed taken a back by my comeback and said if your not the new bird boy who are you ?.  I said the name is bullseye. He said wow Batman got a new boy blunder. I said I'm different he said how I  pulled out my gun and shot one of the hench men in the head. He smiled and said I like you I won't kill you yet. I saw batman knock out a few of joker's hence men. I walk in he said take a step closer and I blow all their brains out I said you and what army. He said look around your out numbered. I said I beg to differ he look around and saw batman and all his hench men on the ground he said their is always  a back up plan. He pulled out a gun and pick up one of the hostages he said come any closer and I blow thus girls brain out and smear it on the wall. I realize it was Luna and my face turn into pure   horror.  He said oh so you know her he put the gun to her template and said she will become a example I slowly  step forward I heared him pull the trigger and I look nothing happen he push her off and pull out a next gun( the gun he had was a dummy gun with the sign). He put the gun to Luna's head she kicked him in the jewels and age ran he pointed the gun at me I wasn't scared I was  indestructible. Bullets couldn't Peirce my skin he shot I waited  for the stinging sensation that what it feels like to me. But that feeling never came I open my  eyes and saw Luna in font of me with a bullet hole in her chest I ran to her the bullet Peirce her heart. I held her in my arms I said why the hell did you do that she said I'm sorry LINC for what I did to you and I wish I could reverse the time and stop what I did. She said do you forgive me teats streaming down my face I said yes she said I can die happy knowing that you forgive me good bye little bro don't make the same mistakes I did and with that her eyes close and the life left her body....

So that was chapter three sorry it tool so long  I my phone was taken away and I couldn't write for a long time. I want to know what you giya think I should do make Luna come back and stay with Lincoln with Phoenix powers of make her come back as a  villain. But don't worry she won't stay dead. Special shout out to @deathpunisher7 he just wrote a  book called the ancient ones go Check it out

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