🌈-24- Lost (Part 6)

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Doctor Strange's POV

Stephen could feel his blood dripping onto the floor.

He didn't know where the wound was, all he knew was that he was bleeding.

But he didn't stop to cure himself as he had three enemies to deal with.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Wong fighting with the other two. He believed his friend could defeat them.

Kaecilius' followers were not as powerful as Stephen, but three of them against one could cause Stephen to collapse out of tiredness.

He knew he couldn't hold much longer.

His muscles were screaming in pain and his legs were trembling.

Suddenly, they stopped attacking. Stephen wasn't dumb enough to think he was out of danger. He knew a bigger threat awaits.

"I can handle him."

The followers stepped aside, revealing Kaecilius.

"Hello, old friend." Stephen teased, he could feel the man's arrogance from miles away.

Kaecilius dashed towards him without saying another word, Stephen blocked his attacks.

Both of them were students of The Ancient One and their powers were very much like each other. They circled with each other, if they weren't holding weapons in their hands, others may mistake them as dancers.

"Is that all you've got, Mister Strange?" Kaecilius laughed.

"It's Doctor Stephen Strange." Stephen gritted his teeth.

Kaecilius kicked Stephen in the stomach. He groaned and knelt onto the floor.

He knew he couldn't get up.

"What a pity, Doctor Strange." Kaecilius stepped onto his chest, "At the end, you couldn't protect anyone. Not even yourself."

He reached towards Stephen's neck, and tightened his fingers.

Stephen couldn't breathe.

Black dots started to appear in his vision. He tried to punch Kaecilius but his hands wouldn't listen to him.

He knew he was going to die.

Before the black dots covered his eyes, all he could think of was your smile.

Bright and warm. Like the summer sunshine.

It was good to see such a smile in the last seconds of his life.


"Get your dirty hands...OFF HIM!"

The force on his neck vanished. Stephen coughed as the precious air rushed into his lungs.

When he could finally see again, he saw a person standing in front of him.

She was against the sun and all he could see was her silhouette. Her usual dark brown hair turned into light brown under the sunlight. Her whole body was boiling with anger.

"If you lay a finger on him one more time," You clenched your fist, staring at the enemy on the ground, "I swear I will rip your head off and burn you."

"You're here." Stephen's voice cracked, not in fear but in relief, "You came back."

"Yes, Stephen," His heart melted when he heard you called his name the way you used to be. Stephen, not Strange. "I'm here for you."

Stephen knew he was safe.

Because you were there for him.

Narrator's POV

The sign on Mordo's forehead started to glow.


Don't go there. Dormammu's voice rang in his brain.


The girl is here. It will be your death if you go to Kaecilius.

"What should I do now?"

Come to me. It is not yet time to confront the girl.


Soon, you will be powerful enough to defeat her if you make good use of the power of the Dark Dimension.

"I know."

So, now, come to me. I shall show you the way.

Your POV

After tying up Kaecilius, you helped Stephen up.

"Mordo was the one who told him where we were." You pointed at Kaecilius, "That's why he could locate us so easily."

"Mordo?" Stephen's eyes widened, "You're not kidding, right?"

You nodded.

"We should kill Kaecilius." Wong stumbled towards you. There was a cut on his leg. It was not a small one. "He would only bring the world endless disasters."

"I want the girl to do it." Before you could answer, Kaecilius said. "You'll be the prosecutor."

"Why would I listen to you?"

"Oh, you are afraid." Kaecilius said calmly, "You are afraid to kill an innocent person."

"You are not even close to innocent," Stephen snapped, "You've killed the real innocent people. You deserve your death."

"Look at you pathetic creatures," Kaecilius raised his brows, clearly amused, "Pushing the responsibility to one another, how touching."

"I'll do it." You took a step towards him, raising your chin. "As you wish."

"Y/N-" Stephen protested.

"No, Stephen, we can't let him get what he wants." You insisted, without turning around to talk to the Sorcerer Supreme. "He's trying to scare me. It doesn't work."

Seeing Stephen's hesitation, you added, "Besides, you are a Doctor. You swore not to kill."

Not waiting for his response, you grabbed the gun hanging on your waist. It seemed cold and heavy in your hand, its surface glowing under the sunlight. You touched its handle and it felt weird under your fingers.

"This will be fast." You murmured, telling Kaecilius and at the same time, telling yourself. "It's just in a second."

"After all, you are not so guiltless, aren't you?"

"You killed my sister." You felt a wave of familiar anger burning in your chest and you pointed the gun at his forehead. "The only person who is guilty around here, is you."

"You can't win." Kaecilius laughed, "It's over. Dormammu will take over the Earth sooner or later."

"We'll stop him." You grinned coldly, "Don't you worry."

You slightly tightened your index finger around the trigger. You couldn't help but notice that your hand was trembling. With fear? Or with anger? You couldn't determine.

This is not the first time you've killed a person. Why were you so afraid?

"You will never win."

"Maybe. But we will fight till the end." You whispered.

You pulled the trigger.

To Be Continued...


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