🌈-19- Lost (Part 1)

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A mini story coming up! Still working on the last parts, but don't worry I'll finish it up sooner or later :)

Your POV

"Yes, yes, YES!" You screamed into your phone, "Finally! I got onto the website! Hold on."

With your phone squeezed between your ear and your shoulder, you tapped on your laptop. "I got it! I got it! Two tickets, standing." 

"Cool!!! I can't wait." Your best friend screamed through her phone too. You and your best friend were buying tickets for your favourite boyband's concert, to be held next year. 

"Remember to pay me back tomorrow."

"Sure." Your best friend could not hide the excitement in her voice.



You jumped when you heard the terrifyingly loud noise from your backyard.

"What on earth was that?" Your best friend heard it too. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm, fine. I'll just...check it out. I'll call you back." You hung up.

Carefully, you walked downstairs, to your backyard. It was late at night and the lights in your backyard weren't on. 

You squinted and looked into your backyard and saw a...man?!

What the- You almost screamed, but you held it back. Quietly walking towards the man, you found out he was unconscious. 

You struggled. Should I help him? Or not? He may be dangerous.

After 5 seconds, you decided to drag him into your house. Using all your strength, you put him onto your couch. Under the tender light in your living room, you noticed his clothes. Is he wearing a costume? This blue, strange outfit and the weird ring on his right hand? You raised your eyebrow.

Then you saw his delicate features. Tall nose, beautiful lips shape, and sharp cheekbones. And you had a feeling that the eyes under the eyelids would be as sharp as a hawk's. You had absolutely no idea why seeing his face made your heart race.

His forehead was bleeding. You wet a towel and gently wiped the blood out of his face. 

Your face was just inches apart from his. Your heart was pumping hard inside your chest and OH MY GOD-

He abruptly sat up.

Frightened, you jumped away from the couch and fell onto the floor. With the wet towel still in your hands, you stared up at the man with your mouth wide open.

"Y/N! Are you okay?" The weird man called your name.

"Wait, how do you know my name?" You frowned and asked doubtfully.

"...I am a friend of your best friend." He answered before thinking of a few seconds, and you saw a flash of hurt appeared in his eyes. It disappeared immediately when his face hardened. 

"Okay." You raised your brow skeptically. You didn't believe the man at all. "What were you doing in my backyard?"

He ignored you and walked around in your living room.

"Hey!" You shouted and promptly stood up. "What do you think you are doing?!"

"Do you have a backdoor?" He stopped and asked.

"Yes- hey, answer my question!"

"You are in danger. Right now." The man stumped towards you and stared you in the eye, his strong body boiling with rage. "So I suggest you keep your voice down. You understand?"

"I will call the cops if you don't explain what the hell is going on right now." You lowered your voice, but you didn't hide your threatening tone. "And I think the only danger I have right now, is you."

"You don't understand."

"How do I know if you are going to kidnap me or not?" You crossed your arms in front of your chest. "Get out of my house."

You saw him suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. "If anyone wants to hurt you in this world, I will be the last one to do that."


"Watch out!" 

He pushed you out of the way and the vase behind you exploded into pieces.

What the hell! 

You gasped.

Doctor Strange's POV

That was close. Stephen Strange thought.

He immediately pushed you out of the way when he saw someone standing in the backyard. The beam almost hit directly in your face.

Doctor Strange pushed you behind his back and blocked the attacks. The invader seemed to be surprised when he noticed Stephen's presence. 

Doctor Strange aggressively fought back. He knocked his enemy out in a few seconds.

"What the hell was that?!" You screamed.

He ignored your question again. He whirled around and grabbed your arm. "Quick. We need to get out of here. Where's the backdoor?"

Your face was pale and darkened with fear, but your voice was stable."Follow me." You turned your heels and ran. 

He ran after you and kept looking back. 

You swung the door open and sprinted. Stephen caught up with you.

"Who-who was that?" Panicked, you asked Stephen.

"Kaecilius' followers." 


"An ultimately dangerous person. Long story." Stephen answered without looking at you. "We have to get outta here before they catch up."

"But how??" 

Stephen would very much like to bring you to Kamar-Taj using a portal right now, but he just couldn't take the risk. Kaecilius' followers would track you easily as soon as he opened the portal.

"We need to hide." Stephen looked around the alley. "Here!"

"What?! I am not gonna hide inside a rubbish bin!!"

"If you wanna get yourself killed, you don't have to." Stephen almost facepalmed.


Without other words, Stephen picked you up like you were as light as a feather, and you gasped at the sudden contact. 

He put you into the rubbish bin. With a thud, you landed on some banana peels and something that smelled really bad. Stephen then climbed into and closed the lid quickly.

Stephen and you sat in the darkness.

Right after the lid was closed, heavy footsteps rang in the alley.

Both of you held your breaths. In the dreadful darkness, he could only hear the sound of his own heartbeat beating against his chest.

Stephen tried to listen to the conversations outside the bin. He paid his full attention to the voices of the enemies.

To Be Continued... 


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