🌻-12- Reverse

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School sucks!!!! I miss my holiday!!!😭😭😭 Homework and everything just—sucks!!!🤧

College AU!! Have fun😛This is written in both you and Doctor Strange's POV(Point Of View) Hope you enjoy💗

I started this chapter in my notebook because History lessons are SUPER boring haha I'm not gonna listen😏😏

Your POV

"Are you going to finish the essay?"

"Nah. What's the point of doing that?"

"But's it's your HOMEWORK, Steph!"

"Whatever. I understand everything anyway."

You sighed.

Your best friend Stephen was walking you home. You two just had coffee in Starbucks and it's getting late already.

You and Stephen took Biology together, but he's so good at this subject that he gets really high marks even if he sleeps in class.

"I can't stand you." You rolled your eyes.

"You don't have to, Y/N." Stephen beamed.

"Go to hell."

"Already done that."


You stopped in front of the traffic light, your home was just across the street.

"Thanks for walking me home."

"You're not home yet."

"Come on, you think I'd get kidnapped?"


"Just go. I am not a little girl anymore, I'll be fine." You insisted, waved your hand, motioning him to go. Stephen sighed. "Fine. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye." You turned away from Stephen, then you heard your best friend's footsteps fading.

You took out your phone and checked out your friends on Instagram. You laughed at something hilarious that your friend posted.

Tires screeched on the road.

When this message popped out--in your head, not on your screen--you hadn't realized you were in danger.

But when you jerked your head up after you noticed the unstable BMW accelerating towards you out of the corner of your eye, it was too late.

It crashed onto the pedestrian road and hit you hard.

Before you could gasp, air was crashed out of your lungs and you were thrown to the nearby wall.

You felt your head smashed onto the wall.

Everything blackened.

Doctor Strange's POV

Stephen paused when he heard the sharp screeching noises.

When he saw the vehicle sliding towards you like Death himself, he felt the blood in his veins frozen as if it turned to ice.

"Y/N!!!" He shouted your name and ran towards you, he realized the driver was probably drunk.


Stephen was beside you in an instant, he knelt down in front of you.

You were unconscious, he called your name again, but you didn't wake up like what a character would do in the fairytales.

Tears rolled down his cheek, he looked around but didn't see anyone. He was alone. He then snatched his phone out of his pocket, wanted to dial the 911.

The Time Stone. Said a voice in his head, You can bring her back. Do it. He didn't know who it was, but the idea of turning back time to save you was too strong, that he didn't consider much.

He immediately got the ancient necklace out of his clothes, opened the Eye of Agamotto. The green light reflected in his eyes, turning them to green.

Narrator's POV


Stephen whirled around, saw you standing there behind him. You were in your astral form, that means you were half dead, half alive. It was you who was shouting.

"You can't do this, Steph. You know you can't." You shook your head, the sadness in your eyes broke Stephen's heart.

"But I can't let you go! You can't just leave me like this!!" He had never cried so hard before in his entire life. His tears could form a pond. "I can't live without you!"

"You can't break the rules just because you want to save me."

"But you let me reverse those broken things before!"

"That's not--You have to understand, this time you are reversing my life. I am half dead, there's nothing you can do to save me." You held up a hand, stopped him from protesting. "No. Don't. You are going to be a Sorcerer Supreme, you have to be responsible. And I know you can live without me. Totally. You're stronger than you think." You smiled.

The lump in Stephen's throat stopped him from talking.

"Just let me go, Stephen. For the sake of me." You walked near him, stared into his green eyes. "I'll never forget you." He sobbed, you wanted to touch his cheek, but your hand went right through him. That didn't stop you, as if you could really feel him.

"I am sorry." You leaned forward, brushed your lips with his. He closed his eyes, imagined the softness of your lips. "I've wanted to do this for a long time." You grinned.

He looked at you through his tears one last time. "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Steph. And I always do." You brushed away your own tears, "Bye now."

"Goodbye, Y/N." He reached out, wanted to touch you.

But you disappeared into the thin air, like you never existed.

Also, I am so sorry for not updating regularly, you know, because school has started. I was so busy with my homework that I didn't even get to login to wattpad. I hope I can update more after things are settled.☺️💜

Thanks so much for reading my rubbish. You're the best!! xoxoxoxo😚💚

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