Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen: Gifts

"Tell me, what are you waiting for? Turn this thing around." - Van Halen: Right Now.


 "Happy birthday, ma'am," Lucis wakes me up, "Today is September fourteenth. It is nine o'clock in the morning and your parents request you upstairs."

 "Mmm, thank you, buddy," I roll out of bed with a yawn.

 I pad out of my safe room still adorned in my sleepwear. My athletic shorts and t-shirt are wrinkled from a night of sleep. I unlock the heavily reinforced door to leave the safe house. My sock-covered feet lead me back up to the living quarters. I push open another armored door, and a hatch, and another hatch, and finally open the closet door that conceals the first hidden hatch. Tony clearly did not cut any corners when it came to designing the tunnel down to the safe house. I open the coat closet door and step into the living room.

 "Happy birthday, Monica!" My mom cheers with her arms open wide when she sees me.

 "Thank you," I reply as she hugs me.

 "Hey, happy birthday," Tony says from where he sits in the living room.

 "Thank you," I respond with a smile.

 "I made waffles and berry smoothies for your birthday breakfast," My mom turns to walk to the kitchen.

 "Ooh, thank you," I eagerly follow her.

 The delicious smell of perfectly cooked waffles and sweet maple syrup meet my nose as I enter the kitchen. I see three colorfully wrapped packages on the kitchen island along with a vase of beautiful white daisies. A long folded card that has "Happy 18th Birthday, Mon!" in a fun font sits in front of everything on the counter.

 "We can eat breakfast after you open presents," My mom smiles at me as she catches my excitement. I eagerly nod, for my childish instincts have gotten the better of me. "Tony! Get in here."

 "Yes?" Tony strolls into the room.

 "Monica is going to open her gifts," My mom informs him.

 "Okay," Tony sits on a stool by the island.

 "Wait!" My mom exclaims before I have a chance to select a gift to open first, "Let me get a picture of you two."

 "Why?" I complain, for I do not happen to look my best five minutes after I wake up.

 "Because this is the first birthday with all three of us together, that's why," My mom says defensively.

 "Can't you wait until, I don't know, I'm dressed?" I suggest with a forced smile.

 "Nope," My mom grabs her phone, "Smile!"

 I throw up my hand to block the view of my face. Tony tosses up a peace sign at the last second. She snaps a picture, but sighs at the result. "Really? Come on, Monica," She looks at me disapprovingly.

 "Just get one later," I groan.

 "What's the big deal?" Tony inquires with a slight scoff.

 "It's just- never mind. It's a silly reason," My mom forces a tight grin as she puts down her phone.

 "Pepper, just tell me," Tony rests his arms on the dark granite surface, "We won't judge."

 "Ha, I know you would laugh at me," My mom raises her eyebrows. Tony stares intently at her until she gives in. "It's just that this is the first birthday of Monica's that you've been a part of, and I don't want to miss a moment of it."

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