Chap 4

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'D', 'Pasta',' San' , 'Eyebrows',' Cowlick', 'Scarf', 'Aru' ,' Frog' with a with weird symbol on the ground.

"Pink?! Of all the colors why Pink?!" Exclaimed Shan and Angie.

" Guys, lets leave it looks like a cult's been here"B said pointing at the ground

"Well at least it's not a pentagram." Said Riki.

The group stood around the symbol and Shan and Angie began to review the words. Seeing it looks like Hetalia they joked around and said " Ludwig, Feliciano, Kiku, Arthur, Alfred , Ivan , Yao, France we shall go into your world! " and as soon as they said that the room began to shake ,light coming out of the symbol.

Everyone dropped to their knees

"EarthQuake!" Shouted B ".

Shan grabbed Hades and they all ducked, covered and hold not noticing the light was getting bigger and brighter

"What the Hell!?" Shouted Shan and Kayla.

Hades was whimpering and everyone was panicking. Then the walls seemed to tear away and objects starts to fade a strong wind blowing and the light consumed the all.

The first one to open their eyes is Shan and saw they're not in the tree house anymore, and they are on top of The pack, Shan's pack.

"My pack!" Shouted Shan waking the others up.

Hades went to Shan and laid with them. The others awoke and they saw Shan treating the pack like a baby and Hades napping beside them.

"The Hell?" Said Angie, a dull pain in her head , While getting up from the dog pile.

" Oh,hey your up! " chirped Shan

"Shall we wake 'em up?" Asked Shan noticing that everything looks different even the whole gang,  Hades and the pack! Everything looks smoother and more vibrant. The clothes Shan is wearing is more bright and vibrant, hair that used to be short dark brown hair now fire truck red and eyes that used to be dark brown now emerald green and a lot taller than before. 5'feet before, now 6'6. Surprisingly she became a male.

Angie looked so different too. Angie's eyes that used to be dark brown are now chocolate brown ,hair that used to be long brown hair now lighter in color, her clothes became a loose fitting white t-shirt, jeans and sandals and taller as well 5'3 before, now 5'7 as well as a curl at the right side.

Riki's clothes also became more vibrant , shoulder length straight hair now short curly hair as black as a void, eyes that used to be black ,now a blood shot red, height 5'feet before now a 6'1 feet. And also became a boy

Mari's clothes became more vibrant too, hair used to be a long sorta frizzy dark brown hair now curly reddish brown hair, eyes that used to be dark brown now a deep shade of purple, height that used to be 4'11 now also 5'8.

B's clothes became a light blue sweater , jeans and sneakers, hair that used to be short and dark brown now it's light brown with a curl at the left side, eyes that used to be dark brown now a light shade of blue, height that used to be 4'8 now is 5'9 and also became male.

Kayla's clothes are also more vibrant and hair that used to be long, fluffy, brown hair ,now waist length, curly, sand colored hair, eyes that used to be dark brown now a yellowish green, height that used 4'9 now a 5'9. And everyone's skin color except Angie's is now paler than before and all of them got smooth skin,to be honest they all look European except Angie. 

Shan wiped his glasses on his shirt as he feels like he is hallucinating. Angie squinting her eyes to see her friends since they look so different but they still look like themselves.

Shan stood up still adjusting to the height wobbling his knees and taking test steps, thank heavens people couldn't see them. Riki got up adjusting still but already embraced the fact that they looked different.

"Why the hell are you taller?!"  asked Riki to Shan

" I don't know. " shocked that He and Riki's voice is now deeper.

"The Hell!?" Exclaimed Shan " well at least my pack's still here, no one's body part is missing, Hades is here and we all look good.  And hopefully we're in someplace nice. " said Shan more clamly

"True point I look good, feel good and I'm taller." Replied Riki

" I agree. " said Angie.

" Let's wake the others up! " Shouted Shan loud enough to wake the others up.

Startled they jumped unsuccessfully and landed on their face. They groaned and stood up

"Oh check it, I'm a boy now." Said B.

" What happened to my hair? " said Mari.

"Why are you so tall?!" Exclaimed Kayla at Shan and Riki.
" And you're short now? " said Mari to Angie "You used to be the tallest!" Continued Kayla

" I know, I know, no need to rub it in. " she replied

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