Baan Vs Meliodafu

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Meliodas POV: As I watched Y/N go into the crowd something felt off. It felt like she was avoiding you. When you looked at her it felt as if she had the missing information that you couldn't remember. After that match, the host yelled into the microphone "Alright everyone the next matched will be between Howzer and Taizoo!!!" You looked over to the girl again and was about to go talk to her but Hawk was right in front of you. "Who do you think is going to win Meliodas?" You shrugged and said "Probably that holy knight Howzer. But I could be wrong too." You and the other sins walked over to the building to chat. "Heyy King you know after this fight is yours right," Ban says to King once we entered the building. "Yeah, I know why?" King says back. "Well if you lose Diane might think less of you. You know." After Ban says this king starts to blush and turn into his other self. "Hey, caption, after King is done with his match, are you ready to get your ass kicked," Ban says to you. "Haha, you know the same can be said to you." You "playfully" punch Ban's arm. You heard a knock and you open the door. It's Hawk. "Hey, Meliodas the fight looks like it's about to be over so you should watch the end with me" Hawk says to you then walks back to the big rock. You and the others follow him to the fighting match. Taizoo insists on not giving up but it looks like Howzer has the upper hand. "Unlike Griamore I don't like to use my magic on civilians. But if you don't give up I might have to." Taizoo grunts and goes into a fighting position. "I really didn't want to do this but you made me." Howzer used some of his magic to make a tornado and it knocks Taizoo out of the ring. The crowd starts cheering and clapping. "Well, I guessed you were right Meliodas," Hawk says to you. The host says "The next match is going to be between Old Fart vs Cain!!!" King gives you his pillow and walks to the rink.

Kings POV: As I walked up to the rink I was thinking about Diane. You needed to win for her. The image of Diane saying "Go, King, your the beast." Pops in your brain. You can feel your heart racing and pounding in your chest. You look Cain in the eyes. You're sure you're going to beat him. After the host says "Go." You lunge at him. You hear some people in the background saying "Is this even a fight." As you lunge at him you trip on a piece of stone.  The crowd looks disappointed. You get up off of the ground to see Cain coming towards you with a punch. You put your hands in front of your face but Cain hits the top of your head. "Man he's tough." You say out loud to yourself. You think to yourself "I can't lose I have a mission to do. To get Diane's sacred treasure back." You use your magic "Disaster" to make his joints hurt more then they do now. But Cain notices what you're doing and hits you out of the ring.

Meliodas POV: You see King get knocked out of the ring. You use his pillow to cochin his fall. Then you hear the host calls the next match. "Baan vs Meliodafu!!" You and Ban look at each other and smile. You both go up to the ring and then Ban complains about how little room you guys had. "Well back then we had about this much room." You say to Ban. "It's been awhile. What time were you talking about?" He says back to you. "Don't worry because you'll remember it soon enough." You chuckle when you say that. Not even a second later you quickly punch him in the face. "Oh, right I think I remember now." He says.

Ban's flashback: You sat alone in your cell with no light. You hear the door open and you say "Is it time for another execution? Look if you want to do it then do it here." Then you look to see who it is and it's a kid. He says "It's time to get some fresh air undead Ban." You sigh and say "Didn't you hear a word I said." You say to the kid. "Then I guess I will have to throw you out with force then." He says back to you. "Ohh then let's see you try." You say to the kid. Then right after you say that he actually throws you out of the building and you land on the ground. "Haha that was fun can we do it again." You say to the kid. "If you want a rematch then you have to leave this place and join me."

Meliodas POV: After you punch him he flings back and almost falls out of the ring. But then he grabs you when your upside down and throws you to the ground. But you put your hands on the rock and locks your legs around his neck. And then you throw his body hard on the ground. You think you had him down but then he grabs your legs and kicks you up in the sky. While you're still in the sky he jumps up and throws repetitive punches at you. You block them and punch him back to the ground. You fall back to the ground to see Ban starting to stand up. You guys throw punch after punch. After a few minutes though you start to lose strength and fall to your knees. Ban gets up from the ground and starts to run at you. You throw up your fist to stop him but when you do he's already behind you. He punches you across the ring but when he's not looking you elbow him in his jaw. Then you think to yourself "He's probably using his magic power "Snatch." The ability to take away the speed and power and add it to his physical powers." He punches you in the jaw. You quickly grab his arm and throw him on the ground repetitively. Then he uses more of his magic to take a lot of strength out of you. He goes in for a punch but you block it with your hand. When you do black it you crush his hand and land a hard punch on him in the stomach. He looks kinda pissed and says "I been chipping away at your power but I'm now going to take it all." He walks in front of you about to use snatch again. Before he had time to do it though you repetitively punch him in the face. You start to lose stamina by repetitive punching him. Soon you have no more strength left and fall on the ground. Ban licks the blood off his mouth and walks toward you. He lands a powerful punch on you. Dust covers around you two when that happens. As he lands the punch you go into your demon form and crush his wrist. After that, you punch him and he flys into a wall far back from the ring.

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