IV ~ Date Night

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Work Thursday night went by slow as hell. I locked up two guys. One for a drug deal, the other for violating a restraining order. Both of them were fucking assholes, of course. I went home and slept till four pm. I made sure that I woke up with enough time to get ready for my date with Gerard. It's all I could think about during my shift. 

I dressed in a tan colored sweater-dress with a brown belt that wrapped around the small of my waist. I pulled on a pair of brown knee-high boots and curled my hair. It wasn't too fancy, but good enough to wear to an Italian restaurant. I wonder what Gerard would be wearing. My question was soon answered as a knock on my door got me to my feet.

Opening the door, I was shocked. Gerard looked fucking great. He had on a black button up with the sleeves rolled halfway up his forearm. He had on black skinny jeans and same color converse. His black hair messily combed back set the entire look in place. He must've thought the same about my outfit because his eyes were wide at the sight of me.

"Wow." He said, finally meeting my eyes again. 

"I can say the same to you." I giggled. Gerard exhaled and extended his hand to me which I gladly accepted. 

Gerard's POV

I know that I'm only going out with her to cover up my tracks, but damn shes hot. The dress hugged her body incredibly. And her face, god it's perfect. If I wasn't a wanted criminal, then maybe I'd get serious with her.

But for now I need to stick to the plan. Charm her into my trap, and that plan starts now. We got out to my car and I opened up the passenger side door for her. She thanked me with a smile. I nodded my head and walked over to my side. 

During the car ride, we made small talk. Talked about her job, talked about 'my' job. I told her that I worked at Dark Horse Comics, she totally bought it. 

"That's so cool, Gerard! So do you draw and write?" She asked with amazement in he voice.

"Yeah. It's a fun job. Now tell me about yours." I switched to her. If tonight doesn't go as fantastic as I hope, then I at least want to get a little bit of insight.

"I love my job. I'm currently working on a case that's absolutely killing me. It's like I feel like I'm getting close, but I'm no where near solving it." She explained. Wonder if I have something to do with it.

"Am I allowed to know what it is?" I looked over at her through the corner of my eye. She seemed hesitant at first but eventually spoke.

"It's public record so why not. We're calling it the 'Jack of Clubs' case. There's this guy who's been robbing stores and leaving a Jack of clubs and a bullet in the cash box. The only description we really have of him is that he wears this yellow mask and has black hair. He signs the card with the initials A.W. which only confuses me more because of how many people have those initials. It's really been kicking my ass." 

I had to keep myself from jumping up and down in a happy dance while driving. I hit the mother fucking jackpot with this one. I've never been more proud of myself. They have almost nothing on me so far, and now I can prevent them from getting anything else. 

"Sounds rough. Good luck solving the case." I told her, trying my hardest not to smirk. She chuckled,

"Thanks." Y/n sighed. 

We pulled into the restaurant soon after. Now I know that I really have to make tonight count. I ran over to her side and opened her door. I wrapped my arm around her waist and rested my hand on the small of her waist. I could tell that she liked this because she started walking closer to me. We walked into the restaurant and I gave them them my last name. Maybe it wasn't a smart move to use my real one but it's too late now. The waiter led us to a table for two that had a card with my last name on it. She picked it up.

"Gerard Way." She smiled. I nodded awkwardly.

"Now you gotta tell me your last name." I told her to try and switch the topic off of me.

"l/n." She replied. y/n l/n. Pretty. Wait, no. None of that Gerard. You don't like her. Only using her.

We sat down and picked up our menus. I already knew what I was getting. I get the same thing every time I'm here. I just hope that she doesn't pick something too expensive.

"Hi my names Alyssa, I'll be your server for tonight. Can I get you guys something to drink to start with?" 

"Uh I'll have a jack and coke." I told her. "Whatcha gonna get Sugar?"

"I'll just have a glass of water." Y/n nodded to her. 

"Right away." Alyssa said before walking away.

"Miss healthy over here huh?" I teased. 

"I've been too stressed to drink. Alcohol makes it worse, especially when it comes to cases." Y/n explained. So I've been causing this much of a impact on her without her realizing it's me? Fuck yeah man!

"Man, this dudes really got you goin' huh?" 

"Yeah, but let's not talk about it. I need to clear my mind for a bit." She pushed the topic to the side. Damn it!

"Alright. Tell me about yourself Sugar."


If you ask me, the rest of the night went pretty well. I learned a lot about her, got a bit more info on my case too. She got a good bit of 'info' on me too. And by info, I mean fake shit that I made up about myself to cover for how shitty my life really is. I told her a little about Mikey, but left out all the 'illegal' stuff. Y/n seemed genuinely interested in me which was surprising. 

When we got back to her apartment, I walked her up to her door. We stood there for a second, neither of us really knowing what else to say.

"I had a really good time tonight Gerard. Thank you for taking me out." Y/n smiled. She looked really pretty standing here in the dim lighting.

"Thank you for going out with me. I'd definitely like to do this again soon." I pressed my hand up against the wall near her head. 

"Me too." Y/n leaned up to leave a kiss on my cheek which took me by total surprise. "Goodnight Gerard."

"Goodnight y/n." I replied, still slightly dazed. Y/n giggled before unlocking her apartment and walking in. I stayed there until she shut the door.

I'm screwed.

Gerard Way is a CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now