III ~ You Aren't Groceries But I'm Interested Anyways

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Y/n's POV

"I need groceries." I told myself as I stared into my empty fridge. I decided that my leggings and hoodie were good enough clothes to go out in. Picking up my purse, I kissed Grey goodbye and headed into town. I decided I'd walk since it's a beautiful Spring day and I didn't plan on getting much. Just enough to tie me over till the weekend. Brendon was coming over on Saturday to help me with this case, so then I'd go and get more shit. 

Making my way down the sidewalk, I kept my earbuds in. I let my head bob to Bring Me The Horizon to the beat. It wasn't until I bumped into someone that I realized how distracted I was. 

"Shit, I'm sorry." I apologized as I took my earbud out. I looked up at the man with hazel eyes and...messy black hair...

"It's fine." He tried keeping his head down but I was still able to catch a glimpse of his face.

"What's your name?" I asked, hoping it would start with an 'A'.

"Gerard." He replied, looking up a bit. Nope, not my guy. But he is cute, so why not strike up a conversation. I've got no rush. "You?" He asked.

"Y/n." I smiled. His face titled slightly.

"I feel like I've seen you around. What do you do?" Gerard asked as if trying to piece something together. 

"I'm an officer." I told him. Maybe hes seen me patrolling before. 

"Ah." He replied, seeming to have an idea. "Say Officer y/n, why don't you come over one night? I could make you dinner." 

I thought about if for a minute. I did just meet this guy, but he is very attractive. He seems nice. Why the hell not.

"Sounds like a fun night. Here." I pulled a sharpie out of my purse and took his hand. He flinched at first contact but relaxed when I began writing my digits on his skin. He looked down at my number and smirked.

"I'll text you when I get home." Gerard winked at me.

"Looking forward to it." I smirked back. With that, Gerard walked past me and in the opposite direction of me. 

Gerard's POV

Fucking perfect. I'm a genius you know? I never thought that robbing places could get any easier. Having close contact with an officer will help get others off my tail. I just have to work on my alias. Sure it'll take time to get close with her, but once I am I'll be able to get inside info on records of me. I'll throw her off my trail. 

God I can't wait to call Frank and tell him. 

Y/n's POV

Because of my encounter with Gerard, I was in an oddly good mood for the rest of the day. I waited for him to text me once I got all the groceries put away. It was a few minutes after I pulled my work back out that I got a text.

Unknown: Hey y/n. It's Gerard.

A smile made it's way to my face as I picked up my phone to text him back.

y/n: Hey! What are you up to?

Gerard: Texting a pretty lady ;)

Y/n: Oh stop it you're making me blush

Gerard: Are you free tomorrow night? 

Y/n: Wish I was :( I'm working night shift tomorrow. What about Friday night?

Gerard: I can make that work. Go out or stay in?

Y/n: I'm fine with whatever. You decide.

Gerard: How about I pick you up at 8:00 and I'll take you out to Enotria?

Y/n: I'd like that. I'll send you my address.

Gerard: I'll see you then y/n ;)

Y/n: See you then Gerard ;)

We didn't text for the rest of the day which I was kinda thankful for. Not that I don't want to talk to him, it's just that I have to get some work done. Ugh. I made a little bit of progress on the case. Not much, but a little bit. The robber tends to have a style. As I already knew, he leaves the card with his initials. He also leaves a single bullet in the pennies but he doesn't leave the same kind which is annoying as fuck. There's been a few 9mm, three 10mm and a variety from shotguns. Since they don't look like they've been loaded into a gun, there's no way to know if he owns any of these guns so we can't track records. Whoever this man is, he sure as hell likes twisting my dick (metaphorically that is). 

The ringing of my phone pulled me from my work. Annoyed, I realized that it's from my boss.

"Hey Chief. I'm working on the 'Jack of Clubs' case. What's up?"

"A.W. has struck again. Since you're head of this case I want you down here to investigate. You're on the clock starting now." My Chief Jeffrey told me. 

"What's the location?"


I rolled into the scene in my squad car right after 6:00 pm. I met Jeffrey inside the CVS. He looked just as flustered as I felt. 

"Take a look around. Nothings been touched yet. Have at it." Jeffrey tossed a pair of gloves to me. I put them on and went straight to the register. Opening it, I found it empty (obviously) with a Jack of Club inside. There was another 9mm bullet in with the pennies. Everything but the pennies was missing. Not surprised. Who the fuck wants pennies? A.W. was written in the same handwriting as all of the others. I bagged the two items and went to talk to an employee.

"Officer l/n with Jersey state police. Nice to meet you..." I extended my hand to the surprisingly calm woman. 

"Agnes." She told me and accepted my hand shake.

"Now Agnes, can you tell me what happened?" I asked her, pulling out my notepad. 

"Y-Yes. I was restocking the nail polish when a man walked up to me and cocked a gun."

"Can you describe the man to me please?" I asked. Agnes nodded,

"He wasn't very tall. Maybe 5'9? He had a yellow mask on and a beanie. Some of his hair was sticking out through it. It was black I think, maybe dark brown? I-I can't really remember. He was pale too."

I pulled up a picture description of the mask and showed it to her, "Is this what the mask looked like?" Agnes nodded, "Now, tell me what he did and how he did it."

"W-Well, he demanded all the money from the registers. He kept me at gun point until I put all the money in the bag. After that he pushed me out of the way and placed something in the register as well as put all the pennies back." 

"Did he ever fire his gun?" 

"No thank heavens."

"Alright. Thank you." I told her and shook her hand once again. I walked back over to Chief and sighed.

"Same procedure as every other robbery. Same description, same story, same fucking everything." I ran my fingers through my hair.

"We checked the tapes but his face was never revealed more than we've already seen." Jeffrey handed me the tape. "Go home and get some rest l/n, you look exhausted.

"This case is really fucking with me Chief. No matter what I try, nothing is piecing together." 

"You'll figure it out y/n. There's a reason I assigned this case to you and no one else." He patted my shoulder.

"I'll see you tomorrow Chief." 

"See you tomorrow l/n."

Gerard Way is a CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now