Chapter 14

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November 25th was Thanksgiving day and Quinn couldn't help but miss Thanksgivings with her family. Usually her sister and her husband would come into town as well as many of the other Fabray family members who Quinn hadn't seen since the last holiday. She wondered what kind of pie her mom would be making this year for the family and how long the dinner took for her to put together to make everything perfect. "Are you okay?" Sam asked his girlfriend noticing her staring out the window seeming miles away. Quinn nodded. "I was just thinking about my family is all," Quinn sighed emotionally. "I know it's got to be hard on you...spending the holidays without them," Sam frowned a bit. "You have no idea," Quinn said honestly as Stacey and Stevie rushed over to her. "QUINN it's almost time for the parade," Stevie exclaimed excitedly. "Yeah you promised you'd watch it with us," Stacey beamed as Quinn chuckled a bit. "I'll be right over guys," Quinn smiled a bit as Stevie and Stacey rushed in front of the the Evans' TV all too excited to see the floats and holiday cheer of the Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Quinn couldn't help but smile watching the parade, especially when Carrie Underwood came on with her current single 'Mama's Song' which truly expressed how she felt about Sam and all that he had done for her so far during the pregnancy. Quinn couldn't help but get emotional watching Carrie's performance wondering if her family would ever see how happy she was with Sam or if they would even care. She always thought she would have them by her side if she ever got married but since they kicked her out she knew that was a less likely option which hurt her deeply. "Are you okay Quinnie?" Stacey asked Quinn concerned as Quinn nodded wiping her eyes. "I just really like this song," Quinn said as Stacey hugged her tightly trying to comfort her.

As the parade drew to a close Quinn decided now would be the best time for her to sing to the Evans'. "Hey guys...I kind of had something prepared if you could all come into the living room," Quinn said as Stacey, Stevie, Sam, Dwight, and Mary made their way into the living room seeming surprised. "What's this for?" Mary asked. "Well in Glee Club this week we were supposed to sing about something we're thankful for in the spirit of Thanksgiving and I would like to dedicate my performance to you all. You took me in when my own family kicked me out and words cannot express how much your kindness has meant to me. Thank you for becoming my family," Quinn said tearfully as she began to perform the Natalie Merchant song 'Kind and Generous' to express her gratitude for the Evans.

"La la la la. You've been so kind and generous, I don't know how you keep on giving," Quinn sang emotionally looking Sam in the eyes "For your kindness I'm in debt to you. For your selflessness my admiration . For everything you've done you know I'm bound, I'm bound to thank you for it. La la la la. Hey hey hey. You've been so kind and generous, I don't know how you keep on giving. For your kindness I'm in debt to you and I never could have come this far without you. For everything you've done, you know I'm bound, I'm bound to thank you for it. La la la la. Oh, I want to thank you for so many gifts you gave. The love, the tenderness, I want to thank you. I want to thank you for your generosity, the love and the honesty that you gave me I want to thank you show my gratitude. My love, and my respect for you, I want to thank you . Oh, I want to thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I want to thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you," Quinn sang as the Evans applauded her seeming incredibly touched by Quinn's performance to them. "Quinn that was beautiful," Mary smiled. "Well I just wanted to let you all know how much you meant to me," Quinn said honestly as the timer went off. "Oh it looks like you got done just in time for dinner," Mary chuckled a bit as the Evans' and Quinn took their seats as they began to serve Thanksgiving dinner.

"Quinn, as our special guest would you like to lead us in the Thanksgiving prayer?" Dwight asked as Quinn nodded feeling honored. "In the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen," Quinn began with the sign of the cross "Lord, thank you so much for all the blessings you've given me. I am so lucky to be sitting here with my boyfriends family who took me under their wing when my own parents kicked me out but to be carrying a healthy baby girl who I want to ensure gets the life she deserves. Whether Sam and I keep her or not I want you to look after her and make sure she'll be okay. I hope one day my family can forgive me and that we can all come together once again. If they can't I understand, I've gained a new family who accepts me and for that I am eternally grateful. I hope you can help the other families out there who have a lot less than we do today have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope they get what they need. Amen," Quinn said. "Amen," the Evans repeated as they began to eat their Thanksgiving dinner, grateful to have Quinn as their newest edition.

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