Chapter 6

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The next afternoon Quinn and Judy headed out for the appointment. Judy had a feeling she knew what this was about, especially when they arrived at an OB/GYN office. "Quinnie.....are you..." Judy asked as Quinn teared up nodding. "I thought we raised you better than that," Judy frowned. "I know mom. I'm sorry," Quinn said emotionally as Judy stroked her daughter's blonde hair. "Your father cannot find out," Judy said in no uncertain terms as Quinn nodded. "That's why I only brought you," Quinn admitted. "Good. We'll get this over with then," Judy said as Quinn looked confused. "Over with?" Quinn asked. "You aren't keeping this child," Judy told Quinn who put her arms around her stomach protectively. "I am not aborting," Quinn said in no uncertain terms "I don't care what this is going to cost us. As far as money, we can afford it. This child is not going to have its life taken away because I made a mistake." "Well then I can't protect you when you start showing. He's going to know," Judy said shaking her head. "Well then he'll know. We're going to talk about my options today with the doctor. Sam's parents are coming as well. He already told them about me and they've been nothing but kind," Quinn said as Judy seemed surprised especially since the Evans' were also very Christian. "We'll talk more inside," Judy said as she and Quinn entered the office for the meeting.

"Judy," Mary Evans, Sam's mom got up hugging Judy who seemed to break down in her friends arms. Quinn looked concerned. She had never seen her mom like this so unput together, letting her emotions show. Just how bad was her dad going to react if he found out about Quinn? "I know....I know," Mary whispered to her friend as she let Judy go. "I'm sorry Quinnie," Judy said finally indicating her daughter. "It's it's a lot to take in," Quinn said honestly as Sam wrapped an arm around her concerned. "Quinn Fabray, Sam Evans, and family, the doctor will see you now," the receptionist said as they headed into Dr. Wu's office.

"You may be wondering why I called you here. If you children haven't told you already, they are expecting to have a child come the middle of May," Dr. Wu said as the parents nodded, already knowing about it. "What I wanted to talk to you all about today is the options they have. Quinn and Sam have both made it very clear they are against abortion." "As are we," Dwight Evans, Sam's father said nodding approvingly toward Quinn and Sam. "Which means there are a few avenues they can go through depending on what they want to do. There is always adoption. We can set you up with an adoption agency or even process the adoption if someone in your families would want to take the child in," Dr. Wu said as the parents nodded "Your children are still very young but if there is a chance they want to keep the baby, now would be the time for that discussion."

"Quinnie, you can't keep the baby. You have to think about your future," Judy said as Quinn frowned. "With all due respect Judy, I think you and I both know how tough raising a child can be but there is no need to discourage the kids from staying together and getting married," Mary said as Sam took Quinn's hand affectionately "Granted they won't have much but it will be our job as their parents to support them. But if they are as serious about each other as my Sammy said he is about your Quinnie, I see no reason that we can't lend a helping hand to the kids." "I'm with my wife. I know the pregnancy was a shock but the kids have handled it with such grace. I'm sure we could work something out to help them get on their feet if that's what they want," Dwight agreed. "Teen marriages rarely work out. Besides that I want my daughter to have a future outside of this town. Yes her father has a successful business here but Quinnie's dreams have always been to get out of here. I don't see why she would need to be tied down by her past when there is the perfectly good adoption option," Judy said as Quinn sighed. She was torn on what she wanted.

She loved Sam more than anything and believed him to be the love of her life. Would staying in Lima be so bad if she was truly with the right person? Besides that as the child grew inside her, Quinn grew more and more attached to her by the day. "Mom...." Quinn said shaking her head. "What? I am not letting you make my mistakes!" Judy exclaimed as Quinn, Sam, and Sam's parents gave her a look. So that's what this was about. "Sam isn't like Daddy. He loves me and would never hurt me," Quinn said in a definite tone. "She's right Mrs. Fabray. I would never want to do anything to harm her," Sam said as Judy sighed realizing she had brought her own issues into this.

"Fine. Let's have this talk," Judy said as Sam spoke first. "I've always thought Quinn and I were meant to be. I don't know if I'm ready for marriage but I know I'm ready to be committed to Quinn and our daughter. Whatever Quinn wants is fine by me," Sam said seriously as Quinn sighed. "I'm just going to need some time to process everything. There's just a lot I need to consider," Quinn said as everyone seemed to nod. "Fair enough. Well we'll be in touch," Dr. Wu said as everyone left the meeting seeming satisfied with how it went, all but Judy who feared Quinn would live to regret marrying young and keeping her baby.

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