George #3

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This imagine was inspired by two sad songs which I enjoy listening to ! Ones up there ^ and the other is just below listen to them if you'd like !

A  D A Y  G O E S  B Y

The day was warm and sunny, expected at this time of the month. George walked down the river, the calming rushes of water made him smile, the glimmers of sun created stars on the water.

Today, Ringo had organised a plan to meet up for lunch, there was a small restaurant on the side of the river ten minutes away from George's house. It was homely and had elegant chairs out in the summer with red window panes.
This was where he was walking to.

He spotted a family walking in the opposite direction to him, both parents held onto their daughters hands and swung her a few inches in the air, accompanied by her giggles.

He remembered her smile, like the child's; so warm and infectious to anyone who saw it. When she was happy, to him, the world seemed happy.

A sharp pain struck his chest. He knew he couldn't go a day without thinking about her. About how she made his days better, how she made him the neat version of himself.

George hadn't noticed he had sat down, the green bench was peeling away and chipped to reveal it's rusty underneath.
He looked onto the idle road ahead of him.

He hadn't driven a car since then. Ringo said all the walking made him look like a twig. Bless Ringo, his friend really started to believe he was getting better.

The gut-twisting feeling whenever he saw someone wearing the same scarf she always wore, passing the restaurant they went to when he proposed, knowing she'll never come back. That feeling had gotten worse not subdued.

He wasn't better at all. He had become guilt ridden and hollow. It was his fault that the woman he once knew to be the only love of his life, lay cold and pale, never to see the sun again.

Thoughts that came in the early morning hours seemed to seep through his carefully constructed wall in his mind and enter now.

Festering inside of him, he felt anger towards himself, it should've been her that lived, not him. Oh how he's give anything to have her back.

Once again brought back to his current place and time, an old woman approached him, a concerned look on her face. "Are you okay lad?" Her warm voice interrupted his thoughts.

George felt a tear roll done his cheek, but briskly brushed it away. "Yeah. Fine thank you" He mustered up the energy to get off the bench.

He missed her, longed for her. He loved her, but he only has the memory of her left. She is but a ghost in his life now, forever haunting his mind.

Keep walking, left, right, left right. George knew he could not be like this in front of his friends.

He tried to smile as he walked into the restaurant. His blue eyes friend greeted him with one so large George didn't understand how it was possible.

"Hey Geo, thanks for coming! How are you ?" His cheery voice made George even more willing to not let him down.

George mustered up a smile. "Yeah I'm fine Rings, how are you?"


Oof I am sorry for all the angsty and sad imagines recently. I promise the next one will be happy cause idk if you all want another angsty one haha.

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