John #3

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It wasn't unusual for John to be in a mood, in fact it was a common occurrence.

You had been The Beatles' close friend for a while, also being a guitarist, you got on well with all of them.

Today you were in a practise room in London, you had been sharing it with the lads for a while. They were coming later on to practise with a new song Paul wrote so you got in early.

You managed two verses and a chorus when you heard the front door of the studio open. You smiled knowing you were going to be seeing your friends.

Ringo came in first, he greeted you with a hug and went to the drum kit immediately. George came next with a nod and a smile, you two were close though you didn't even need to talk much.

John came in, and your previous smile faltered a bit but stayed put. He had been quite obviously ignoring you for a couple of weeks and you didn't know why.

John, instead of greeting you, kept his eyes on the floor and pushed past you to the amp to plug his guitar in. You frowned a bit, clearly this bout of behaviour was carrying on.

Paul came in last, and he was the one to close and lock the door with the spare key. He greeted you with a charming smile and a hug.

"Morning Rose, didn't expect you to be here this early." He smiled once again, his voice cheerful and bright.

"I thought I'd actually get some work done before you lot came here." You laughed and set your guitar down and sat on top of the case.

Paul clasped his hands together and faced his band, "Let's start then lads shall we?" Then he went off to plug in his bass.

They had practised for about an hour, well more messing about than actual practise. Ringo and George complained that they were starving and that lunch had to be eaten now or else they'd both die.

You laughed at their slight exaggeration. You all laughed with each other and decided it was going to be lunch. All except John.

John remained exactly where he was, guitar still plugged in and amp on, but he wasn't playing. He didn't even look like he was trying to.

Throughout the first part of the session he got on with what he was told to do quietly, this was definitely not a common sight as he'd always have something sarcastic to say to Paul.

When you turned your back to walk to the lunch room, you didn't notice John's eyes trail after you in complete silence.

You didn't know why he was acting like this recently, what had happened? He wasn't necessarily being cold towards you, but he definitely wasn't cracking up his wise jokes and talking to you anymore.

Knowing your own thoughts didn't have an explanation to what was going on, you decided to ask Paul.

You walked into the room where the prepackaged lunch was laid out for all of you, it was extremely loud, who knew that three men could make so much noise?

You smiled at them as you came in, but your smile soon disappeared as you grabbed Paul by the arm. "Macca, can I talk to you for a minute?" Urgency was in your voice to tell Paul that this was serious.

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