Paul #2

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D A Y D R E A M S  &  I C E C R E A M

It was July, school was over and you finally had time to have fun with your friends.

The heatwave that was clinging onto England was practically unbearable. The docks had a lingering smell of hot fish, which was quite unpleasant.

You sat in your room, fanning yourself with a magazine while listening to music, you hadn't thought of anything to do, so you just stayed home.

Boredom had struck just a day into the holidays. It wasn't a surprise as every year this happened.

What did surprise you was when three knocks sounded at the front door. Curious but cautiously you opened your door, not expecting any visitors.

James McCartney, or rather Paul (as he prefers it) was standing there with a big smile on his face.

"What are you dong here James? I hope Lennon's not around, my parents will kill me if I'm seen with him." You frown, you really liked John, but his reputation didn't do him any favours.

"No he's not, just you and me, how about we go somewhere? I know you're not doing anything and it's bloody hot." He smiled, a brash confidence shone in his eyes, he really was more confident now that he hung out with John.

"Alright then James, let me just get my bag." You smile back at him and go grab your bag from the kitchen counter.

When you came back to the door, you saw James, well Paul, waiting for you, leaning on the door frame. His newly acquired hair 'do' really suited him, and you couldn't complain about him wearing those skinny jeans.

You smiled up at him as his eyes met yours, he grinned too, a genuine grin that was always on his face when you were around.

You two were dating, though you wouldn't really say it as you'd never really been on a, well, proper date.

You two never really had alone time, at school you saw each other sometimes and at the weekends John or Stuart were always around, so your dates ended up just being a social with friends.

You were glad, as you took his hand in yours and walked down into town, that you were getting alone time together. Finally.

"Where do you wanna go first?" Paul asked, looking briefly behind at you, then shielding his eyes from the basking sun.

"I don't know, you got any ideas?" You saw him smile and he began to run to the tram line. "James I am not going on one of those when it's bloomin' hot! I'll bake in there!" You said with quite an exaggerated tone of desperation.

"Don't be silly y/n, do you wanna run all the way to the Docks? If so go ahead, I'm going on here." He smiled at you and you huffed, you'd rather die then run all the way there.

"Fine, fine, but you're paying." I say and poke his side as I get onto the tram as it stops at our station.

Paul paid the eleven pence* each for the ticket and sat down next to me. "Dunno why I hang out with you, you're expensive." Paul rolls his eyes mockingly and I pout.

I knew it was a joke but I wanted to make Paul feel bad, he turned to me as we were driving by all the houses and sees my face, his eyes light up with worry.

"I didn't mean that! You know I didn't, I'd give you every penny, no shilling, no pound in the world for you." He waves his arms about and I giggle as some people look at him with his crazy hair and arm gestures.

"I know, I was just winding you up. This is our stop then?" I say and grab Paul by the arm and smile, we stop right into the Docks.

The Docks were swarming with children who were with their parents, glad they were off school for three whole months, their parents not so much.

Paul smiled as he looked at the children and took an exaggerated breath in. "Well then, I fancy an ice cream, you?" He grinned and took my hand to where the ice cream van was serving the children.

"Two ice creams please, one scoop and both chocolate." Paul chirped happily to the vendor, you smiled, he remembered your favourite flavour matched his own.

Paul handed your ice cream to you and paid the vendor. You had already started licking away at it. You closed your eyes in contemplation, it was delicious.

Then something really cold landed on your nose.
"Ah! Paul what the heck?" You screamed as you felt a blob of ice cream drop off your nose and onto the floor.

With your hands on your hips you frowned at the boy, eyes closed and laughing hard.

"I love you y/n" he said while smiling but immediately widened his eyes at his words.

Sure you'd been dating a while but you had never said that to each other. He shook his head and rubbed his hand against his neck.
"y/n, I'm sorry-"

"I love you too Paul" He looked at you in awe, relief and admiration filling his face.

Both of you smiled at each other, not noticing the melting ice cream dripping on your hands.


Ah young love, I am so so sorry I haven't written in months! I've had super important exams recently and the Christmas break has been hectic!

Many apologies, I'll try keep it up.

K.L x

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