George #1

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November 16th, 1962

I had shrugged the rest of my fur coat over my shoulders, my breath forming swirls in front of me was mesmerising as I walked on my way to the Cavern.

It was cold, very cold in fact, the queue that had gone down the whole of Matthew Street was shaking, bodies all huddled together.

My heels clicked down the street as I passed the rowdy queue, some turned their heads, others whistled.

As I had repeated my name and my band, the guard let me in, and I was suddenly overwhelmed with heat, overly contrasting the temperature outside.

I immediately took off my coat and pushed my way past the crowds who were already in the club to get to the dressing room.

Once I had fixed my hair and replenished my lipstick, I had walked into the stage with the band behind me.

As per usual on a Friday night, we were greeted by cheers. I smiled at the crowd as I had seen them come in.

They always played after me, I had always found them intriguing, they were different and I had soon found myself being rather good friends with them.

As per usual, they were late, a hot headed John was quickly ushering the four guys away into the much too tiny dressing room to get set up.

One by one each of them with their Elvis do's and their leather jackets passed my eye.

Except his, the dark mysterious eyes that always seemed to drag me in looked straight at me, for a brief moment, until they fluttered away and followed the rest of the lads.

After my set I had always waited by the bar for the lads to finish. I was greeted with their sweaty and flustered faces at half past 10.

John, Paul and Pete, per usual were hitting up any woman within a metre of themselves, George however stuck with me.

We always had pleasant talks, they hadn't always been long, they never needed to be.

I had felt a glowing feeling in my stomach when he laughed, almost as if I were soaring in the sky.

John had decided that we were to hit the town, we all knew what that had meant.

We walked down by the docks, it was always lively in Liverpool on any night of the week.

The lads had rambled on about the next football match and other things that I wasn't interested in, George however, did no seem keen on the conversation.

As we walked side by side, the lads each with a bird around their arms walked ahead, Paul had quickly turned his head towards us and whispered something to Pete.

Pete proceeded to smile while then going to whisper to John, John then nodded and that was that.

By the end of the night Paul had suggested we go out tomorrow, just us 6 and we'd go to a diner. We had all agreed and walked out separate ways.

December the 20th, 1962.

Throughout the course of the weeks ahead the boys had been pulling mischievous things to me. They always seemed to leave early or plan things and cancel, leaving me and George alone, today was another one of those days.

I had been at the diner waiting for them to show when George showed up. We had made small talk, waiting for the others to come. No luck.

They hadn't shown up so I had decided to order my food anyway.

"So how is things with the band?" George's quiet voice spoke softly while he grabbed his burger to eat it.

"It's been good, it's tough y'know, not many people want to hear a girls voice backed up with rock instruments." I sigh, it's true, women's voices are meant to be delicate.

"That's not true!" George said, food still in his mouth, his bushy eyebrows knitted together to form a frown. "I love hearing you sing, it's amazing, sends chills down me spine I tell ya!" George then shrank a bit in his seat, he clearly hadn't meant to burst out like that. He looked away from me and down at his plate.

I could feel my cheeks getting hot, George was always mesmerising to me. I hadn't thought George had liked my singing.

"Well thanks Georgie, y'know it means a lot." I smile at him and he gives me a small smile back.

"Y'know, the lads did this on purpose" George said, shaking his head, smiling all the while.

"How'd you know that?"

"Well they're bloody on the other side of the diner, don't look straight away but Macca ain't even trying to hide that he's watching us!" George said and laughed.

I tried as subtly as possible to peak behind George, and there he was his hair and doe eyes poking from above the leather seats, for a brief moment we saw each other and the hair and eyes were gone in a flash.

"I think he saw me looking at him" I say and chuckle as now Macca was nowhere to be seen.

"Yeah the bloody buggers, I should've known" George said and laughed a bit more.

"How so?"

"Well y'know, with a girl like you, it hard not to fall head over heels, I should've known not to tell them all, buggers they are" George said, he laughed along with what he said, but his cheeks were bright pink.

"Well George, I like you too y'know. Just didn't think you'd feel the same." George's head shot up at this and he smiled shyly.

I took his hand in mine and stood up, "Well why don't we give the boys a show eh?" I said and proceeded to kiss George, right in the middle of the diner.

"Go on Georgie my lad!" A loud shout was heard and we pulled apart to see John standing giving a thumbs up to George.

George smiled again but this time he looked me in the eyes, "Y/N, would you do me an honour and be mine?"

"Of course George" I say and we walked out of the diner together. Leaving the rest of the lads cheering behind us.


Ayup! This is for the lovely Let_It_Beatles ! I hope you like it darling.

Peace and Love,
K.L xx

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