chapter 1 Jane

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this is the first story i have ever written plz leave comments and tell me what you think of it!!!


Chapter 1 Jane

I always say change is good, but nothing good comes from leaving your house, your friends, and your home. I was moving to a new town 300 miles from the place I have called home for 16 years. My father was going on the road with his band and I was going to live with my mother in a little town called Nederland. It was a small place where the winters where brutal and summers unbearable.

I haven't seen my mother since I was 9. I always used to go see her but soon I stopped going. I tried to go and see her but my dad kept saying,

"Why would you want to go to that place?" and soon I stopped asking.

It was oddly quiet on the ride to my mom's house. The only thing she said was

"Your hair is gone"

"Yah I cut it". We got to the little cabin it hadn't changed much. My old room still had all my posters in the spots as before.

"Um I talked to Ms. Moore and she's going to bring over some paint you like green right?"

"Yah greens cool" Later that day my mom's friend Tish came by with her daughter, and my life long friend Leah.

"Jane... Jane Avery is that you!"


"Jane I missed you so much!" (Leah always an excitable one)

"Yah I missed you to Leah". The next week flew by, and before I knew it school was starting. I wanted to crawl under a rock. A new school, new people, the only person I knew was Leah and what's worse I only had 1 class with her.

The first day of school I wanted to go back to my dad, back to my friends, back home. First through third period every one stared at me like I was some freak with 3 eyes. Lunch came at last and that's when things went downhill fast. I saw him my mortal enemy Troy Smith.

He was the typical meat head that thinks he owns the world. He was also the biggest son of a bitch that I have ever known. When we were kids he was the one that thought it was funny to push you in to a lake on a field trip and let you almost drown (if it wasn't for the teacher I would have drowned). And the worst thing is that he had a huge crush on me. And he thought he owned me so he would beat up any guy that talked to me. I tried to hide but he still saw me

"Why if it isn't Jane"

"Go away Troy!" Leah said in a harsh voice

"If she wants me to go away she will tell me to go away" he sat down right between Leah and Leah and me grumbled,

"How have you been Jane? I haven't seen you for at least 5 years. I missed you"

"I'm fine I missed you to Troy" he never gave it up. That old crush was back.

"Are you enjoying being back?"

"I was" he gave me a sour look, then he smiled

"Jane there is a big party tonight at Jamie's house would you like to come? You can bring Leah." I looked at Leah she always had a crush on Jamie (and who can blame her he was the schools football star you know, hot body, cute face, very tall) Leah looked at me and nodded her head.

"We would love to go," I said putting an emphasis on the word.

"Great it starts at six"

"K we'll be there".

The rest of the day went by fast (thank god) after the last bell rang I headed out to the parking lot so Leah could take me home I was almost there when Troy stopped me

"Hi again Jane" how did he keep finding me?

"Do you need a ride tonight?"

"No I'm going to ride with Leah"

"Oh" he looked over at Leah in her old pickup and then looked back at me.

"Well ok I'll see you there" he gave me one of his crocked smiles

" See ya later Troy" then he walked to his fancy sport car and drove off. I walked over to Leah she gave me a warm smile and took me home. I got ready for the party, and the entire time I kept saying why me, why did he have to pick me.

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