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He was the stuff of nightmares.

In his long life, Gamormore has destroyed cities and ripped out the souls of man with his bare hands.

All trembled in his wake. Armies had fallen before him, countless men laying in bloody heaps. His fists have torn apart mountains, his screams have shattered the skies and sent stars falling and burning onto earth.

He was a nightmare, a bad omen, some even said he was the devil himself.

All are terrified of him.

All fear the great Gamormore.

Except for her.

She was the tiny human that always seems to find him, the one who always seemed to sneak up upon him and surprise him at the strangest of times. Oh, she was so very lovely and so very strange, this tiny human...she held his many hearts in her small hands.

But he could nor allow her to know that.

She could NEVER know such a thing. He knew that he had to frighten her away...what could a creature like himself bring to such a beautiful thing? He was of mighty claws and rough skin, of death and destruction. And she...she was of things his kind could not possibly comprehend.

Softness and sweetness, things he had never known.

She was perfect.

He was a monster.


He didn't like screaming at her. But it must be done. Turning away from her, Gamormore rushed away into the forest, his hearts all in the deepest of pain. It hurt him to do this, to push her away when he wanted, more then anything, to hold her in his mighty arms.

But he couldn't.

Gamormore couldn't allow himself to do such a thing.

He might hurt her...or worse. And she knew this. She knew the stories, she knew of the horror this monster would bring.

And yet...she still followed him. Like the foolish creature she was, the woman raced through the forest and followed his path as quickly as her small legs could carry her. Gamormore's many hearts fluttered at this but...he knew what he must do. It was the right thing to do. The beast stopped suddenly in his path, turning around quickly as he tried to look as terrifying as possible. It was not a difficult thing for him to do.

He gave her a vicious glare and screamed in his most guttural tone.


He expected her to scream, to finally run away for good and leave his hearts to break in peace. She should have done just that...

But she didn't. Or course she didn't.

Instead, she ran right to him. The beast was too stunned to do anything but stare as her little hands touched his chests (Oh, how lovely that felt) and she smiled up at him.

"You're so handsome."

Oh, this little thing would be the death of him! This terrible, wonderful human!

With his hearts flipping and skipping with joy, Gamormore's eyes softened as he looked at her...what would be the danger of stealing a simple kiss?

He did, his rough lips pressing to hers. And with that, he knew that she had finally won. And, for some reason, he wasn't so terribly upset about that...

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