Whispers on the Wind.

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A monster who's voice is the wind.

They cannot always be there with you, they have to keep a low profile for both your sake, and that breaks both of your hearts. You hated being away from each other, your days filled with longing for one another. If only you lived in a world where your love was something to be embraced by others, not something that had to be hidden.

They are forced to hide when others are around, forced to be apart from the one they do so, so dearly...

But whenever they are away, they always send you sweet messages, words whispered on the roaring winds.

"I love you..."

"I miss you, my love."

"We'll be together soon..."

"My darling..."

"Meet me in the woods..."

"Tonight...my love..."

Such sweet words, traveling miles just to reach your ears. Just for you...

Perhaps other humans do hear the messages. Perhaps they pretend not to, brushing off the faint whispers as their imagination, telling themselves that it's all in their heads...

But you know better.

You know they are waiting.

And as you lean out the window, you whisper "I love you too" and you hope that they hear it...

When the night falls and your neighbors sleep, you slip away into the dark woods. Every step is guided by the wind, their voice becoming louder as you come closer.

"Come to me..."

"I await you..."

"My love..."

You run through the woods, you run...to them.

They wait for you patiently and you run into their arms.

After hours of waiting, you are finally here, finally safe and happy and loved.

The wind picks up wildly, whipping about as words of love and sweetness and softness fly. Even as you share a long awaited kiss, the wind still howls with every word.

"I love you...my darling..."


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