Cold Lips.

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Buying a wardrobe.

It was large, big two door wardrobe that had once been painted a pale blue color. You were sure that it had been very pretty but years of use had worn it out. It had been sitting in the back of a second hand shop, just gathering dust until you saw it. You weren't sure why it called out to you found yourself slipping between the shelves, wanting to get a closer look at it.

Standing in front of the wardrobe, you could tell that despite the coating of dust and the age, it was actually in wonderful shape. It's massive too, with plenty of room for your clothing. It really only needed a touch of paint and a new set of handles but other then was perfect.

You smile to yourself, looking it over for a moment before deciding to buy it. Getting it home was a hassle but you finally managed to do it, putting it in your bedroom, right across from the bed. With a satisfied smile, you remind yourself to buy a set of handles and some paint soon. But all of that could wait. After lugging this thing about, you were ready to sleep for a hundred years!

You changed into a too big tee shirt and climbed into bed, catching one final glimpse of the old wardrobe as you fell asleep...

But not for long.

Sometime later, you found yourself waking up suddenly in the night.

You lay in the sheets, trying to figure out what it is that woke you up...when you hear it. The softest, slightest creak. Confused, you slowly sit up in bed and turn towards the noise. Across the room, you can now see the wardrobe door just slightly open...though you were certain that you had closed it before you went to sleep...

It looks kind of creepy in the darkness but it's an old thing and you're sure the door just opened accidentally or something.


You lay back down, closing your eyes once again. Drifting off to sleep, you don't notice the four green eyes peaking out at you from the darkness of the wardrobe.

As the days continue, it keeps happening.

You keep waking up suddenly in the night and each time, it's harder and harder to fall back asleep. The wardrobe doors continue creaking open in the night, even when you are certain you've fixed them. There are other things too, other strange happenings. You start to notice things missing around your apartment, little trinkets and items of clothing. And then the dreams start.

You start having dreams of a strange creature, a monster, creeping out from the wardrobe and crawling on top of you.

Four green eyes stare at you, glowing bright in the darkness.

It sniffs your body, touching you gently with a cold says your name in a deep voice.

You start to wonder what exactly you brought into your home.

One night, you've had enough of it. You have to know if it's really or only a dream. So you pretend to be asleep and wait...and wait...and wait for something to happen. Just as you're starting to wonder if you might be crazy, you hear it. The wardrobe creaking open. You hear soft steps across the floor and feel your bed dip as something begins to climb up.

You try to breath normally, you try not to panic...Your heart begins to beat wildly as you feel a presence above you, something so close to you.

And then, unable to take it anymore, you open your eyes.

Above you is the creature from your dreams, almost as though it crawled right out of them rather then the wardrobe. It's a tall and muscular monster with gray skin that's both rough and cool to the touch. It's green eyes glow, never once looking away from you as it hovers over your body, balanced on it's long limbs.

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