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"Hello," The lush lips were painted red but when I looked at the face my appetite whizzed away. 

Another woman with those slim and fragile bodies came to me. For some reason I could barely keep them away from me in this dimension. I rolled my eyes and politely declined her offer but she kept on at it. 

Why couldn't they just understand the meaning of no? Why? 

I stepped through the throngs of people. None of their scents appealed to me anymore. Ever since Isda no one's scent appealed to me. 

It was because she was mine and I was hers and the universe was cruel to make us lovers. Why had I ever believed I would find her? But here I was again in the same place, at the same time, after the same woman who had tormented my life for the past 1000 years. 

Where had she gone? Why had she gone? All of it was just a cruel joke to Mother of Tsohg. Otherwise, she'd never be in the situation she was probably now. Where our love was light-years apart. 

I couldn't blame her though. We needed to defeat the Queen and in order to do it, we had to bring her back. It was her power which had made the Mad Queen vulnerable and scared to death. She even had the Vampire king executed in her madness which I had heard from one of the refugees to the Mirror dimension. 

It was rather difficult for me to imagine the madness and I could barely keep myself calm when Mother of Tsohg came to me and finally...after years...finally gave me the permission to go find Isda or whoever was alive of her caliber and bring her back to the Dimension of Tsohg and finish the war which Isda had started long ago. 

I wonder if I could ever find Isda now. I was losing hope every day with coming to these low-life places they called bars. This particular one was horrid with all the scents of passion and ecstasy floating through the air. 

My gut clenched and I couldn't wait any longer. I had to get off now. I had to return - 

"Guys, I really don't think this is a good idea."

"Relax Ana, it's all going to be fine."

Her scent...it drifted to me and I could swear it was one of the most intoxicating I had ever felt. It was pure like crisp fall air and gentle like freshly picked lilies. Mixed with her nervous rabbit-like pulse and those deep set obsidian eyes, she was...breathtaking. 

My heart skipped a beat seeing her. It had been 1000 years. 1000 years before I finally felt like this. I felt the hope burning inside my heart. 

Was it her? Had I finally found her? Was this Isda's new life?

But Isda never smelled close to plum and freshly picked lilies. She never had the fall morning freshness. Her face never held the gentle smile like this girl's...

Despite the doubts in my mind I found myself attracted to her. I went up to my tiptoes to spot her and her friends going towards the bartender and ordering some fruity drink. Her nervousness was appetizing and her voice even more melodious than I thought imaginable. 

Who was she? Moreover, why was I feeling this way with such a young and vital girl?

"Hey, did you see that guy?"

Her eyes met mine for a moment and I felt it. 

A change...

A breeze of new life in my static misery...

Just as Isda had been... But this girl was stronger... more vibrant... like the warm sunlight in fall...

My breath caught with the realization while I closed in on her group. Her eyes lingered on mine. 

She is the one...

I've been waiting for...

And this time...I wouldn't lose her to anything. 


EPILOGUE's done. But this is far from the end. Continue with "Of Truth and Lies" because this is just the beginning...





Of Blood and Ice : Vampire Witch Romance Novella 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now