CHAPTER 2: Love and Hate

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I saw the sunlight's ever-dying rays coming up strong from nothingness. It was dawn, if I were correct in my assumption. Despite wishing, I could not see much through the thick blinds put on the small window. The crimson color emanating from the rays of the shining rays enveloped my senses making me cave into the truth of where I was.

The Vampire Stronghold

My mind hissed with rage and my heart ached with fear. I wanted to scream in anguish but here I was...a useless piece of...meat! 

Come now, think of something better, pumpkin. 

Sighing I thought of my sisters. They used to be so kind to me, listening to how my day went, what I had found. But now I was all alone...

Emulating one of their voices, my mind asked playfully. What had happened to me in the past three weeks? 

If anyone was asking, what would I say? 

I coiled into myself, my skin prickling with fear and resentment. 

What I'd say? I'd say I had remained a prisoner of the Vampire Knight, no, Prince Nahariel Everbleed. He had kept me alive and confined within a small room adjunct to his private dorms where I could hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing of the outside world. 

My only pass time? Counting the days and nights passing by watching the blind-covered window emanating its disgusting vermilion light all around. Gritting my teeth I forced myself to think of a way to escape when the door to his room closed and footsteps reverberated towards me. 

"Close the window, Isda."

His voice was cold but gentle. I heard the thud where I knew he'd made a dent with his muscular snowy frame. When he slept, I watched him. One of the uncomfortable perks of my life. These moments of silence and respect made me shiver with uncertainty. It was like I never knew what to expect with him.

Shaking my head, I went up on my feet and inched closer to the blinds taking care not to jangle my wrists lest it disrupt his nap. Closing them left no light and the world was once more bathed in darkness where the creature of the night lurked in slumber...vulnerable...

Try snapping his head with your sonic boom...

Sighing I just backed away in silence towards my cove near his bed. The darkness was receding faster with each step I took. Clenching my skirt to keep from doing anything stupid I sat on the stool near his bedpost. 

Hissing in my mind, I remembered my first attempt at escape. I had tried to snap his neck. Instead of the sonic boom I had throat went ahead and sealed shut. Since then, He had more incentive to shackle me as he had before to drag me from the Throne room.

It isn't my fault. I am captive.

Yes, I was captive and yes it felt horrible to be confined within boring walls all the time but couldn't it have been better to have the cool day's breeze caress my skin for once than stay inside this dank musty room where my captor slept on the bed and I slept—barely—on the floor?

Why was I taking this? The answer was simple, because I was captive.

But why wasn't he killing me? To the question, I had no answer to date.

It had been three bloody weeks of torture and he had still never spoken to me about anything at all. I had asked several times but always, the night began with him drinking my blood before leaving and then him returning at dawn for me to stay beside him while he slept.

Of Blood and Ice : Vampire Witch Romance Novella 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now