CHAPTER 5: Darkness

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He was still asleep. I sighed while my song carried away. My heart was restored. I looked at the scar again, eyes dripping with blood-dripped tears. 

Why? Why? Why?

"Why indeed."

Her voice broke me from my self-pity while my hands violently wiped away the tears to look upon the most vibrant violet eyes I had ever seen.

"Hello, my dear."

I nodded and apologized before standing up and curtseying. When I looked up her smile dazzled me to another daze as I fell short of words to compare their beauty.

"Mother of Tsohg, I am honored by your presence."

"Oh pfft!" She waved a hand before a beam of violet light was conjured upon her hand. "Bah! These powers are nothing but trouble." She grumbled before her eyes dilated and she spoke in a resonant tone.

"Excuse my daughter. She in only starting out as the Mother of all Tsohg."

I smiled briefly before Mother delved into deeper matters.

"Child, you have awakened the mirror after ages of sleep." She sighed. "You do know the cost of it don't you?"

I nodded before looking at Nahariel's face one more time and then turned to face the Mother again.

"I am ready, Mother." I sounded more assured than I was feeling. Nevertheless, what had to be done had to be done...or so mother used to speak of. Mother of Tsohg came to me and took my hand in hers before chanting the ancient words of the mirror.

"...Atalos a la eternidad."

No sooner had the words been spoken, violet and grey lights encompassed me. I heard something break inside me as I turned to look back one last time.

Nahariel slept, oblivious to the world. Sweet Nahariel with the delicate but beautiful features and the eyes of an angel's. I would miss him immensely.

"It must be done, child."

Her voice was strong as I looked at her again. A single tear dropped from my face as I kept my gaze trained at black doll-like eyes.

"Promise me, Mother," I spoke with determination. "Promise me, you will tell him."

Tears were pouring without permission from my eyes and I couldn't deny the emotions clouding my throat. I had to be strong. I had to be strong for him.

"I promise. Now leave."

With the single word, everything disappeared before my eyes. Violet turned to complete grey...then everything changed into darkness and morphed into an endless parade of stars as I floated and floated until my eyes closed...

"Till we meet again."



"Wake up, my son."

Her voice broke through me as I groaned from the pounding headache and heartache. I had heard Isda's singing. But suddenly she stopped and it made everything hurt just more painful.

Of Blood and Ice : Vampire Witch Romance Novella 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now