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milo's pov

Lanie and I were chilling in my bedroom when we heard some people come in. We immediately got up and walked to the staircase together to see Maya and Mason walk in.
"Milo, how am I supposed to stay calm around her knowing she ruined my life." Lanie whisper yelled to me.
"Lan, you gotta stay strong. You can do it. You gotta be the bigger person for the mean time." I told her grabbing her hand. She stayed tense as we walked down the stairs.
"Oh hi guys! I brought Maya here if you don't mind. We were hanging out and thought we might come back to hang with the rest of you." Mason smiled as I opened my mouth to speak.
"It's all good! We're all friends here! And plus you live here! You're welcome to bring whoever here!" Lanie said cheerfully.
"Thanks Lanie!" Mason said high fiving her free hand.
"Hey, So Lanie and I were thinking of going on a date and we were wondering if you guys would be interested in going with us!" I suggested beginning to execute the plan.
"Like a double date?" Mason clarified.
"Yeah exactly! I mean it would be fun right!" Lanie said.
"That sounds extremely fun! We could do it at my place! I don't want to intrude on your guys space since I've been here so much. Why not do it at my place and plus I can show Lanie where I grew up since I moved! Plus, my dad left on a business trip today so we'll have it all to ourselves!" Maya suggested making Lanie and I smile.
"Sounds great! We all have classes tomorrow so what time should we meet you?" I asked Maya.
"Hmm. What time do y'all get off?" She asked us pulling out her phone to check her calendar.
"I think Milo and I get off at 2:30 and then Mason, you get off at 3 right?" Lanie asked making sure everything was right.
"That is correct. My physics class ends at 3 o clock sharp." He said to us.
"Alright. Then what about we meet up at my place around 6:30? I'll order some food and we can have a movie night!" She told us happily.
"Sounds good! I think Owen and Lauren are having a bonding night too so we can leave them alone to catch up since Lo was in New York for so long." Lanie said looking at me.
"Sounds great! Well, Mason and I are going to go up to his room. I can't wait to spend some time with you guys tomorrow! Oh, and Mason has my address so you guys know where to go." Maya said before leading Mason up the stairs.
"Oh we know where to go." Lanie whispered with a smirk across her face.
"Should we update Lauren?" I asked Lanie.
"Definitely. But, we need to update Owen first." She said dragging me up to his room. We got to the top of the staircase when we heard a loud noise. We knew it was coming from Owen's room because we always complained that his printer was too loud and obnoxious.
"Hm. That's weird. I thought Owen was done printing everything out." I said looking at Lanie.
"Maybe he found some new evidence?" She said as we both began to fast walk towards his room.
"Hey Owen! What did you fin-." I was cut off by seeing Lauren holding a ball of red yarn staring at the bulletin board.
"Why don't you tell me what you guys and my brother found first?" She asked us.

lauren's pov

I stared at them as a wave of panic crashed and fell onto their faces. "Hello? Are you going to tell me or what?" I asked them as all they could was look at each other.
"Hey jitterbug. Is your brother home?" Lanie asked me.
"Cut the bullshit. Now tell me what you've been hiding from me." I said feeling betrayed.
"We can't. We need your brother to be here when we tell you." Milo said to me.
"I'm an adult. I think I can decide if I'm capable of learning new information." I told them. "I don't need my brother to sign a permission slip to learn about something my supposed best friends have been keeping from me." I said beginning to raise my voice.
"Okay, Okay. We'll tell you. Go to my room. We'll meet you there." Lanie said ushering me out. I folded my arms as I walked to her room opening the door and sitting on the beanbag in the corner of her room. I sat there waiting for them to come in as I looked at my phone. Suddenly, they walked in with a fat binder and the bulletin board with the red yarn. And of course, my brother.
"I thought I told you guys I'm an adult. I don't need my brother here." I snapped at them.
"Lo, if we're going to tell you what's going on, he needs to be here." Lanie told me.
"Why? Why the hell does he need to be here?" I asked confused.
"Because, He knows everything that you saw. He was the one who found everything." Milo explained.
"Okay. I'm listening." I said crossing my arms again.
"Lo. I just want to say before I start that I am so sorry for the way I've been treating you. I just wanted to protect you but I think in order to protect you, we need you. We need you to help us." Owen apologized as Lanie shut the door and locked it.
"What are you talking about? Protect me from what? Help you with what?" I asked in confusion.
"Remember how I was in a coma? And, when I was supposedly in there I was living in an alternate universe?" She asked me.
"Supposedly? Lanie, you were in a coma." I told her brutally.
"I was. But, we found proof that I also wasn't. That's what you stumbled across." She explained.
"How is that possible?" I asked them.
"We don't know. But, Owen was researching it and he found an internet page. A website, devoted to finding out everything about Lanie. There are documents from Lanie's other life. Her diploma is on there, her contract between her and Capitol Records, various photos of her performing on different shows, and photos of us, all of us, together being happy." Milo said handing the binder to me.
"Were you able to track the IP address?" I asked opening the binder seeing a page of contents. "Oh brother, always so organized." I laughed beginning to flip through the pages.
"Of course I did." He responded.
"And? Did you guys go?" I asked.
"Yeah, we did." Lanie said.
"And? Did you see anyone? Don't leave me hanging here!" I exclaimed.
"It's Maya." Milo said as I dropped the binder on the table next to me.
"Maya? As in Maya Davis? As in Mason's Maya? Like the Maya that betrayed Lanie?" I asked.
"Wow, way to pour salt in my cuts Lo." Lanie said.
"Sorry, but I mean that Maya? How is it her?" I asked confused.
"We don't know. That's why we made her invite us over to her house for a double date. We're going to distract her while you and Owen snoop around her room. She apparently wants to give Lanie a tour which will allow her to know where everything is and give you all access to everything." Milo said to me and my brother.
"So my brother and I, are going to break in?" I clarified.
"Uh, you could think about it as detective work?" Lanie suggested.
"Or, you could stay home and be my alibi and I can go snoop if you don't feel comfortable. As long as we both are each other's alibis. We can do something to prove that we were here as well." Owen told me.
"No, I'll do it. Owen, you and I need to formulate a plan for us to look like we're staying here." I told him as I looked at Lanie and Milo.
"What else should I do before tomorrow?" I asked them.
"Get a spy outfit. All black. It'll be nighttime so it'll be easier for you both to blend in." Milo told us.
"Wow so stereotypical." I said laughing.
"Hey, as long as it works. We're gonna find out who did this to Lanie. Who did this to all of us, and why." Owen said patting me on the back.
"I'm assuming Mason doesn't know?" I asked them.
"No of course not. I mean, how am I supposed to tell him, 'oh, by the way. You know that girl you're seeing? my ex best friend? yeah she ruined my life.' I mean I think it's best if he doesn't know anything. At least until we find out it's really Maya who did all of this." Lanie told me.
"Alright. Owen and I are going to go formulate a plan. Get ready for this. We won't let you down." I said walking Owen out of the room. "Come on big bro. It's time for us to do our sibling bonding." I told him as he entered my room.
"Lo, I just wanted to say again that I'm so sorry for the way I've been treating you. I want you to know that I had no bad intentions. I just thought I was protecting you." He apologized taking a seat on my bed.
"It's okay O. I know you were doing it with the best interests at heart. Is that why you wanted me to stay Mom and Dad?" I asked him.
"Yeah. I thought, that the farther away you were from all of this, the safer you would be. I thought Milo, Lanie, and I could do this all by ourselves. But, we need you. You're each and everyone of us' best friend. We're incomplete without you." He said giving me a hug.
"Thanks O. I am so happy you brought me on board with what's happening and I can't wait to help you guys tomorrow." I said to him with a smile.
"That's good. I'm glad. Now, let's go Kim Possible!" He told me.
"Does that make you Ron Stoppable?" I asked him laughing.
"Uh, definitely not. Didn't Ron have a crush on Kim?" He asked me.
"Yikes, I forgot about that. Oh well, guess we have to be another dynamic duo." I told him. We began looking online at different stores to see where we could get the best spy outfits when we came across a costume shop online who had the perfect outfits for both me and my brother. "Alright O. Looks like you're driving us down to Long Beach." I told him.
"Long Beach? Seriously? There's not one close by?" He complained.
"Not one with this costume!" I said.
"Alright I guess. Go grab your stuff I need to grab my wallet. We need to make a stop at an ATM. I need to get some cash." He told me.
"Cash? Why cash? Why can't you just pay with card?" I asked him.
"I think you'll find it useful to not leave a paper trail." He told me as I rolled my eyes playfully as he left the room. I grabbed my purse and pulled my hair up in a bun before leaving my room to go follow him.

A/N: that's the next chapter! hope you are all enjoying this! I kinda want to know what you guys are thinking! I want to see if you have any theories of what happened! Maybe, one do you will be correct! Just leave a comment! Also, I'm thinking of doing a get to know the author kind of thing! So leave some questions as well down below for me to answer if you have any! They can be Milo related or just anything! Alrighty! have a great day! xoxo, lanie💙

unfortunate circumstances // milo manheim ✰Where stories live. Discover now