forever yours.

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lanie's pov

I was woken up by my alarm clock as I quickly shut it off. I was about to go back to sleep when I remembered that Milo and I would be going to Disneyland for our date. I quickly sprang up and ran to my closet to find an outfit for the day. I settled on a set of overalls and a button down shirt, that was Milo's of course. I quickly laid out my clothes as I made my way to my bathroom sink to brush my teeth. After I rinsed my mouth with mouthwash, I grabbed my outfit and quickly changed into it before making my way to my vanity to put my makeup on and fix my hair. I did my regular routine and put my hair into a messy ponytail, finishing it off with a set of silver ears. I grabbed my mini backpack and shoved an extra flannel, portable charger, and wallet inside. When I walked downstairs, I saw Milo waiting with some roses and breakfast.
"Morning bean! These are for you and I got you some breakfast." He said handing them to me.
"Thanks bub! These are gorgeous." I said sniffing the bouquet.
"Alright. So for breakfast I got you a breakfast burrito with extra hasbrowns on the side of course and some coffee and fruit." He said laying everything out as I smiled at him. "Oh, and I also prepared your coffee already, one cream and agave syrup. I went out this morning to buy some since you're out of it already." He told me happy that he got everything right.
"Aw bub! What did I do to deserve you?" I said kissing him on the cheek. I quickly ate my breakfast as we made our way out the door. We got into Milo's car as we made the short drive to Disneyland. We eventually found a parking spot which was practically impossible, but we made it. We got out of the car as we made our way to the tram. I handed my pass to the lady as we got through security and into the park.
"Well, What do you want to do first?" He asked me.
"Hm. Well, let's see what we can get fast passes on and then we can plan everything out from there." I said whipping my phone out of my pocket. I scrolled through the options before deciding on getting fast passes for space mountain. "Pirates only has a 10 minute wait. Wanna go there first?" I asked turning to look at him.
"Aye matey." He said making a hook with his finger.
"You're such a goofball. I love it." I said taking his hand in mine. We walked to the line and stood there waiting for our turn when we saw Maya and Mason making their way through the crowd. "Milo, is that Mason?" I asked him.
"Huh. Yeah it is." He said sighing. "He told me he was really busy today. That's part of the reason why I decided on Disneyland because he said he had something important to do and he couldn't help me set up." He explained with disappointment in his voice.
"How many?" The cast member asked.
"Two please." I answered temporarily distracting Milo.
"Alright. You guys can have row 6." He said pointing us in the direction of the boat.
"That was awesome!!" Milo said happily as we walked off the ride. We spent the majority of the day switching between the parks when we bumped into Maya and Mason again.
"Hi guys! What are you two doing here? Are the others with you?" Maya asked cluelessly.
"Uh, I-." I began to say before Milo cut me off.
"Actually, we're here on a date." He cut me off with pride in his voice.
"Aw! Cute! So are me and Mason!" She said happily kissing him on the cheek. You could tell he looked uncomfortable and I felt bad.
"Hey Maya! Do you mind coming to the bathroom with me? I don't want to go alone." I said making up an excuse.
"Yeah sure! As long as it's cool with the guys." She answered.
"Just be safe okay? I want to be able to finish this date." Milo joked kissing me on the cheek.
"Of course, I'll make sure to not fall into the toilet." I joked right back as both Maya and Mason let out an uncomfortable laugh. Maya and I walked to restroom awkwardly without saying a word to each other. "I'll be out in a second." I told her going into the stall. I opened my backpack and reapplied some of my makeup and dusting a bit of powder over my face. I walked out after flushing to make sure I didn't cause any suspicion and washed my hands when Maya joined me at the sink.
"How are you feeling Lanie?" She asked.
"I'm feeling good. I think the date is going really well." I said with a smile.
"Oh I meant how are you feeling after what happened at the party? I mean I know it's not your first time or even your second time, but I just wanted to make sure you were okay." She said awkwardly prying into me.
"Uh Yeah. I mean, it was really traumatic at first and it still is, I mean that sort of thing never really gets better." I confessed as she nodded understanding. "But, Milo helped me through it and it's getting a lot better."
"That's great to hear. I just don't know why Brandon would come onto you like that. I don't know why someone would say something like that about you." She said as I got afraid even more with every second going by. "Well, we should go back to the guys." She said walking out of the bathroom. I stood there shocked for a second before following her out.
"There you are! I was afraid you got stuck in the toilet after falling in." Milo joked around.
"Haha very funny." I said pretending to be confident.
"Well, we'll catch up with you guys later!" Milo said as he took my hand and we left. We walked around the park before eating dinner at the lamplight lounge on Pixar Pier. "Hey Lanie. Are you feeling okay? You're a bit quiet." He asked with his observation.
"I'm fine, just getting a bit tired." I said with a fake smile. I wanted to talk to him about Maya but I knew this wasn't the time nor the place. We sat down across from each other in the booth looking over the menu. Once we ordered we began asking each other questions about each other.
"What is your most embarrassing moment?" He asked me as I quickly covered my face.
"Okay, this is gonna sound extremely stupid but I swear it did not happen on purpose." I prefaced when he already began laughing. "Okay, So it was in eighth grade and I was supposed to go to the library to print something out before class ended but I waited until the end of class and lunch was going to start soon and I wanted to talk to my friend before I left for a trip. So I tried to run down the stairs and I tripped on the very first step and took a tumble down the stairs." I said as I looked to see him laughing already. "Oh it gets worse."
"How could this get worse?" He laughed.
"It was two flights of stairs and they like curved so when I fell down the first flight I tried to get up but since I hit my head I couldn't walk straight. So I was trying to get up and ended up stumbling down the second flight of stairs! I dislocated my knee and had a minor concussion and when my science teacher saw me on the floor I thought he was my dad because I was so confused!" I explained the rest of my story.
"Once a klutz always a klutz." He laughed.
"Hey!" I said smacking his arm. "I mean, you're right but still!" I giggled.
"What about me? What do you want to know about me?" He asked.
"Hmm. That's hard. Uh, what about the time you hit puberty! How did you handle that?" I asked laughing.
"Okay, it was so weird because like, you know the movie Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse?" He asked.
"Yup!" I answered interested in where the story was going.
"It was like that. I woke up one morning and like I sprouted like 3 inches and my voice would get so deep. And of course, the voice cracks came. So, I took like two weeks off of theater so I could figure out what was happening to me! It was kinda scary." He explained as I laughed. We finished our food and spent the rest of the night walking around the park before settling on a bench to watch the world of color show. We watched in amazement to see the different scenes of the movie playing out in front of us as the sounds synchronized with the colors. I looked at Milo to see him smiling like a kid on Christmas Day. I turned back to see the lantern scene from Tangled as the song "I see the light" played. I laid my head on Milo's shoulder before singing along. I looked at him once the show ended and kissed him on the cheek.
"What was that for?" He said smiling like an idiot.
"Thank you for today. I really needed this and you made me feel so much happiness. I feel like I'm gonna wake up from this dream at any moment." I told him with a smile.
"Can I ask you a question?" He asked.
"Of course bub! What's up?" I asked him.
"Well, I was wondering." He said getting up to pull a box out of his pocket and getting on one knee. "Lanie Skylar Adalair, will you be my princess?" He asked pulling out a princess ring.
"Oh my gosh Milo. Of course I will!" I yelled out excitedly as he picked me up in a hug. "When did you manage to get this?" I asked him as he slid the ring onto my right ring finger as a sign of promise.
"When you and Maya went to the bathroom, I made Mason run with me to the closest ring shop." He said smiling at me. "I'm so glad you said yes. I can finally call you mine." He told me.
"Oh bub, I will be forever yours." I said as he leaned in to kiss me. Once our lips touched, the fireworks in the Disneyland park went off, sealing the deal. "Did you time that?" I asked giggling.
"Nope, maybe it's destiny." He said to me.
"You know what. Maybe it is, and I think destiny is telling me to kiss you again." I said biting my lip.
"You know what, we should listen to destiny." He agreed pulling me into another kiss. We walked out of the park holding hands before getting onto the tram to head back to the car.
"Milo. I can't walk anymore. My feet hurt so much." I complained.
"Come on bean. Hop on." He said bending down before I jumped onto his back. We walked towards the direction of the car before I asked him,
"Mi, do you think we can go another date."
"I mean of course. You're my girlfriend now, so there's going to be a lot more in the future." He told me.
"Good, because my happiest memories are with you." I told him giving him a kiss on the cheek.

A/N: drama w maya!! but lanie and milo are together!! im so happy!! sorry if this and the last chapter went up kinda late. I had rehearsals yesterday and today so I ended up not checking my phone until later. anywho, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! don't forget to leave a comment and a vote! xoxo, lanie❣️

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