chapter 5

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Scaly-vadge? That was reserved for naked dragon riding only.

I didn't know what the heck PG was prattling on about, I mean, there wasn't a single two tonne dragon in sight - trust me, I'd notice such things. And so I very much doubted that I was about to take an impromptu ride in the buff. I peered up at the sky, just incase I'd somehow missed Lucian launching himself into the air. "What? There's no dragon," I accused with a pout, because no one liked to be teased with dragons. Then I patted my hair softly, finding his nest and rummaging within the wild curls until my hands quickly came up empty. "Where the fuck is my dragon?!"

Serena snorted. "Naked in the flower pile."

I was so confused. "What?"

She shook her head, gleefully skipping over to me to grab my wrist, and then yanking until I gave up resisting and allowed her to drag me forward. "I can see his butt," She giggled.

A snarl came from the grouchy kitty. "Stop looking at the lizard, Witch!"

She rolled her eyes. "Stop ruining my fun! You're naked all the time, it's boring, I want to see the new naked guy."

Cat was hissing and shaking so violently there was a better than decent chance he'd actually explode.

"Who's naked? Where's the naked?" I questioned, hoping that Serena would start making some sense any time now.

She grinned wider than I thought possible and excitedly pointed towards a huge, dense pile of those white and pink flowers, and the several straw coloured strands of hair peeking through where the stems were bent enough to create the smallest of spaces. Further along the pile, a good six and half feet down, one single, large, slightly tanned, masculine foot stuck out in the open air, a little irridescent shimmer of gold sparkling in the sun right across the arch and leading straight to the toes.

I blinked. Then pointed. "There's a foot," I stated dumbly, then snapped my mouth shut because the foot twitched and I nearly screamed in surprise. "It's alive!"

Serena snorted and shoved me forward until we were standing by the twitching foot. "It's also attached to a fully grown man," She grinned, "I'm literally the most excited of witches right now. I mean it's almost like the Goddess has been listening to my less than complimentary rants and just given me everything I've ever wanted just to shut me up," She breathed out heavily, "Also, in case you missed that, the new naked guy is your dragon and I'm definitely calling you lizard-vagina...or dragon-poker...or ooohh, ooohh, no! I've got it!" She screeched. "Snake-wrangler! Fuck I'm going to run out of these way too quickly."

It finally hit my muddled brain. Lucian had shifted. Oh my Goddess, Lucian was totally a naked human male...and he was all the way naked. And just because I was still mildly angry with him, and more than a little hurt, I heaved in a huge breath and screeched as loudly, and as annoyingly, as possible. "Lucian!"

Naked-Lucian sprang to his feet with a snarl, pretty blond hair flying around his shoulders as he snapped his body around to face me, and I totally tried not to look as his penis swung around like a helicopter in the breeze. Mostly.

But dammit, Serena's comment about snake wrangling was probably pretty accurate.

Lucian's human form was tall, another few inches above Cat's already impressive height, with a soft golden-sun hue to his skin and muscles that quite literally made me sparkle-drool. I tried to keep my eyes above his waistline once again but after following his abs like a sexy ladder, all the way to the 'V' that just seemed as if it urged me to follow it like some big, pointy arrow, my instant gratification meter dive-bombed its way south and hit my vagina like a flaming torch.

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