ben | valentine's day

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ben x reader
warnings: none

happy valentine's day! <3

question: are you single or taken?

note: thank you so much for your patience with these updates, they're not regular at all, though i wish i had time to make them regular. school is so much, so i have barely any time to write. however, i have a week's holiday next week so i'll be able to write loads then.

please leave a request in the comments or in my inbox/on my page <3

Usually, you spent Valentine's day alone, wrapped in a blanket with a bottle of wine and a bunch of old, sappy movies that are god-awful on any other occasion. You enjoyed that, to some extent. It was tradition. However, on this particular Valentine's, you were accompanied by your best friend, Ben.

He'd been out of town filming some new bigshot movie for months now, and you hadn't seen him (other than the frequent Facetime and Skype calls you'd shared over the long months), for almost a year. Sharing a whole night with him was a perfect way to spend your evening, especially since that evening was Valentine's day.

Sitting opposite him now, your hand supporting your head as you rested your elbow against the table, staring at Ben in awe and appreciation as he rambled on about one of his cast mates that, apparently, you would've "fallen in love with". You almost laughed at the insinuation of your heart falling for another man, considering yours belonged entirely to Ben, you'd just never admitted it out loud.

"Anyway, his name is Joe, you'd love him, I swear," He chuckled and reached to take a quick swig of his drink before looking at you softly.

The restaurant you both sat in was fairly full by now, with couples seated at almost every table; yourself and Ben practically slap-bang in the middle of the room.

"I'll have to meet him some time, he seems quite the catch," You replied with a wry smile, looking to see him gazing back, wanting desperately to ignore the seemingly adoring look in his eyes, but your heart decided to grasp on to the thought for dear life.

"You look beautiful tonight, you know," He stated smoothly, though his voice quivered slightly, and he prayed you hadn't noticed. You had.

Instinctively, a crimson glow flushed through your cheeks, Ben smirking slightly at the sight of you blushing. You decided to attempt to play it off as a joke, "Thank you, you aren't looking so bad yourself."

"Oh, I know, I've been doing my hair differently," He laughed, sliding his hand through his heavily produced locks, a look he'd spent at least half an hour on the morning prior to make sure he looked good for you.

You laughed along, grinning at the precious puff of his cheeks as his smile grew wider.

"Should we pay?" Ben switched the subject, his leg tapping against the wooden floorboards in anticipation for what he really wanted to talk to you about tonight.

"Yeah, hang on, we'll split," You replied and reached for your bag after seeing Ben nod in return. Searching through your bag, you genuinely could not find your purse anywhere, not even a spare few pounds lay at the bottom, "Shit, I think I left my purse at home."

"You could've just asked me to pay, Y/N," Ben raised an eyebrow at you jokingly, knowing you were serious, but enjoying the way you rolled your eyes at his stupidity, "Kidding, I'll take the bill, it's okay."

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