warren | mindgames [request]

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warren worthington x reader
warnings: jealousy, partial angst but ends with fluff

note: this was requested by ziamhathrisen, thank you for the request, i hope it's what you wanted! if anyone else has a request, please comment or send it via my inbox. thank you <3

Bodies clashed together, as though they were playing some overly physical game of chess – taking it in turns to step, move by move until one of them was victorious. Music blasted from the speakers that resided in all four corners of the hall and you sat by one, with Warren's arm draped over your shoulder and a drink in your right hand. Tapping your foot to the beat of the melody, you looked up from your beverage to see a woman standing in front of you both.

"You're Warren, aren't you?" She spoke, calling over the volume of the room, staring directly at your boyfriend.

You hated yourself for jumping to conclusions, but with the distracting amount of skin she was revealing and the bright red lipstick that adorned her lips, you couldn't help it. You didn't have to ask her intentions, they were staring you right in the face.

"Uh, yeah, I am," He replied, a smug smile on his face at the fact someone knew who he was.

You would've been proud, so very proud that someone was recognising Warren's talent and strength, something you'd adored in him since you met him, but something about this girl was unsettling you. Unsure what it was, you attempted to push it to the back of your mind, but it just kept resurfacing.

"I saw you the other night, in Berlin, you fought so well," She cooed, still ignoring your very existence and stepping closer to Warren, who did nothing at all but grin at her gratefully.

"Well, thank you," He bowed jokingly, the action causing his arm to falter and fall by his side, letting you go from his embrace.

Offended, you sent him an angered glare, but he didn't even turn to you to catch it. Instead, he listened intently to the words the girl was saying.

"I always saw you on the posters around the city, always front and centre, the main attraction," She flashed him a grin and sent him a sultry gaze, the mood of the conversation switching very quickly, much to your dismay.

You weren't the jealous type, never had been. However, there was a strong burning sensation deep in your chest that pushed all the trust you'd built between yourself and Warren to the back of your mind, clouded by the image of this girl attempting to steal your boyfriend from right under you.

"Warren, I–" You began, but your voice was quickly drowned out by hers.

"Do you train?" She fawned over him, moving some of her straight blonde hair behind her ears, quickly sending you a smug look, which pushed you over the edge.

"It's hot in here, I'm getting some air," You huffed, shoving your drink into Warren's hand and heading towards the back exit, not even looking back at him, or her, for that matter.

Night air hit you hard as you shoved open the back door, letting out a long breath and running your hands through your hair when your back hit the brick wall. Muffled music filled the air, but no other noises accompanied it, much to your liking as you focused on the silence to help you calm down.

Why had it bothered you so much? You thought, but the thought was quickly replaced by a stronger one.

No, Warren was your boyfriend. You'd been with him for years now, longer than she had, much longer. God, the thought was so stupid, you deserved to be jealous.

Should you have run away? Probably not, but staying for one second longer with the stifling heat of her obvious flirting would've ended worse for her than it would've for you.

Suddenly, your thoughts were interrupted by the door swinging open, and a very familiar figure stepping out into the alleyway. Turning his head from left to right, Warren spotted you straight away.

"Babe?" His voice echoed against the walls and he headed towards you.

"What?" You replied sharply, sending him a harsh glare, though he only frowned back at you.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked, attempting to grab your hand but you pulled it away.

"Nothing." You responded shortly.

"It's clearly something, love, I wasn't born yesterday," He retorted, a hint of a chuckle playing at his voice, but having experienced your temper before, he suppressed it.

"If you weren't born yesterday, you'd be able to figure it out," You spat back and crossed your arms over your chest.

Letting out a frustrated breath, Warren pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, "Will you just tell me, Y/N?"

Holding his gaze, you thought for a moment, whether to just give in or stay mad at him. However, when he sent you a soft, hopeful look, you gave in.

"I didn't like how she was speaking to you," You muttered, dropping your gaze to the floor. Saying it aloud made it sound so pathetic.

"Who? That girl inside?" He laughed, and you rolled your eyes. You regretted it now, seeing how funny he found it.

"Yes, okay! That girl, with the nice skin and the nice hair, with the red lips and big eyes, that girl. Now, if you don't mind me, I'm getting a cab," You cried, pushing passed his shoulder and towards the street.

"Wait!" He called after you, grabbing your wrist to pull you back, "You don't seriously think she was a threat to you, did you?"

This time you stayed quiet, because that's exactly what you thought.

"You don't seriously think that I'd leave you, my perfect, perfect girlfriend for a girl like that?" He continued, using his grip on you to pull you closer to him.

"That I'd even consider having anything to do with her, when I have someone so beautiful by my side already?" He stepped closer this time, as though participating in that physical game of chess that everyone inside was playing.

"That I'd hurt you, the one person who has stuck with me through thick and thin, no matter what, for someone so irrelevant?" Warren used his free hand to pull your chin towards him.

"Because if so, darling, your mind is playing tricks on you. Lying to you, like I never would," He dipped his head down and pecked your lips softly, only pulling away to speak to you.

"Because I love you, Y/N, more than anything in this world, and I would never do that to you," He finished, pushing his lips against yours once more, but this time with so much passion that your head began to spin. Immediately, you responded with your lips, kissing back to reply with everything your words couldn't say.

A thank you, an I love you, and, more importantly, an I believe you.

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