Their Game - Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I open the door to find Jo standing with two little girls. One of them I recognize as Lise.

“Good morning Mrs Midland it seems I forgot one very important detail....Lise has a twin” Carver shoves past me and smiles down at the two girls, like a vulture smiles at its prey.

“Well that’s good news” Carver says and Jo relaxes obviously relived that Carver isn’t angry.

“Her name’s Lisa she’s a geek”

“Hello Lisa my name is Carver and this is my wife Dakota”

“Well I’ll leave you two in most capable of hands. Goodbye Carver say hello to Alexa for me”

“Will let’s get you girls settled in” Carver takes them by the shoulders and leads them into the foyer.

“Fresh meat!” I hear one of the guys shout but don’t look to see who it is. I feel like I should do something, say something but I can’t because Carver would punish me and I really don’t want to bring another baby into my hell right now.

“Yes boys, we have fresh meat!”

Lisa tugs on her sister’s hand and I watch as they silently communicate with each other. Before the girls have a chance to say anything they’re shoved into Seth’s office. I watch as Cruz grabs Lise and tugs her away from her sister ignoring her cries, Frank grabs Lisa harshly and rips her away from her sister. I hear Seth barking orders for the girls to strip behind the screens and change into blue gowns, when they don’t do as they’re told they get a hard slap around the jaw and both girls burst into even more floods of tears.

“You girls would be wise to do as you’re told if you don’t want to be punished”

“Carver please they’re only children!”I beg him tears flooding out of my eyes as I make eye contact with Lise.

“So were you little one and just like you they’ll become a woman tonight”

Cruz grabs Lise’s arm as soon as she comes out from behind the screen and shoves her onto the medical table. Frank does the same with Lisa ignoring her crying. I watch as both Warren and Seth snap on surgical gloves. Seth bends down to Lise and places her legs in stirrups.

“Now you be a good girl while I check if you can conceive a baby”

“Please don’t let him touch me!” Lise cries directly to me and my stomach heaves at just one look at her puffy- red eyes.

I can’t help it anymore and just as they scream I throw up on the floor and nearly faint but Carver catches me.

“This is good little one perhaps you’re pregnant”

“I’m not pregnant, I’m disgusted!”

“Well either way you’re getting your pretty little butt into the bathroom and taking a test”

“Yes Carver” I sigh knowing I’m defeated.

Carver grabs a pregnancy test from the drawer and places it in my hand. I scamper away from the room trying to block the crying and screaming but it’s impossible. I’m so caught up by them that I end up walking straight into Angelica and the test slips from my grasp.

“I’m so sorry Angel!”

“Are you okay Dakota?”

“No. Carver has two innocent little girls down there and I feel so guilty because I never warned them”

“You couldn’t even if you wanted to” she says handing me the test “I’ll leave you so you can get back to doing.....that” she says pointing to the stick.

Their Game!! (Sequel to His Game)Where stories live. Discover now