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Izayas POV-

"What a disgusting human," Izaya spoke to the wind. He did this often. Even though he was never alone, he was quite lonely. 

"What a fine word," he spoke to no one in particular, "lonely that is. It encaptures two completely different meanings with a relative definition. You can be surrounded by people, but can still be lonely. However," he decided, "I wish to be lonely. For it seems no human is suited for my taste. I mean, all humans are tasteful but they're never on my level of insanity. Oh dear, did I just call myself insane? I suppose I truly have been called to the dark side!" He laughed aloud at his inner depiction. 

"But that girl..." He let that word roll over his tounge, "girl, girl, girl. Hm. A simple girl; and yet she holds so much possibility. I mean, it doesn't matter if it's good nor bad possibility; possibility means change. And to live an exciting life, you must constantly change, constantly evolve. Yes, that's right, evolution is the demeanor in which holds all possibility for advancement. That simple girl seems to know at least that much. 

"However, with that comes natural selection- survival of the fittest if you will," he begun to sense a presence stalking behind him, "I suppose we'll just have to wait and see what that is by terms for her. I suppose I must add a pawn to my board of chess- no, a bishop. For she has potential to exceed the expectations of any pawn, however that is limited, and she still has opportunity to die... Wouldn't you agree Mr. Awakusu?" Izaya shrugged and turned around. A thin man with dark wispy hair was trailing behind him.

"I don't know what the hell you're on about Orihara, and frankly I don't give a shit," the man pulled Izaya aside into an allyway, "Where's my money Orihara?"

"All in good time," Izaya teased. The man rolled his eyes and reached into his pocket, only to outstretch his hand moments later. His fingers tightly laced around a thin sheet of paper, nicely folded in half. Izaya took this and handed him a white envelope, seemingly rather thin. 

"Good doing business with you Orihara," the man grunted, slipping the envelope back into his pocket.

"The pleasure is all mine Mr. Awakusu."

"Please Orihara, my close friends call me Dougen," Izaya smirked whilst the man straightened his jacket.

"Right. Well then, I'll be on my way. If you can believe it, you weren't my only errand for today," The man gave a chuckle.

"I like you Orihara. Stay out of trouble."

"No promises," Izaya's smirk widened, "Ta ta," The info broker slipped back onto the busy streets. A couple of moments passed before he came into sight of which he was headed for. 

Before him stood a building. It wasn't necessarily eye-catching, however it wasn't dull. Like a lot of the buildings in Ikebukuro, this one wasn't particularly peculiar.

"Rusian sushi!" A gruff voice called out. The voice originated from a rather tall, dark, and intimidating man, holding flyers out to nearby people.

"Good day Simon!" Izaya called out.

"Mm. Good day to you too Izaya. Here for sushi?" The man smiled at Izaya.

"Indeed I am big guy," Izaya drew near to him.

"Staying out of the trouble?"

"Of course! Why, I personify innocent!" Izaya smirked, leaning up against the man, "It seems I'm the only hope in this sinful city!"

"Go inside and eat sushi. Sushi good for you. Maybe it will fix your damaged brain," He replied, pushing Izaya off of him. 

"You flatter me Simon," Izaya turned around broadly, kicking his legs out in a childish manner, "Fatty tuna here I come~" Izaya made his way inside and sat down at a booth.

A couple of moments later a pasty man came over, holding Izayas gaze with sunken eyes, "Fatty tuna Izaya?"

"Ah, yes. You treat me so well Dennis, how could I ever repay you," Izaya smirked at the man.

"Bigger tips."

"You humor me Dennis," Izaya said giving a slight fake chuckle, and resting his head in one of his outstretched arms. Dennis began to walk away when Izaya called out, "Oh dear Dennis? Could you maybe get me some green tea?"

There was only a slight grunt in response.

Your POV-

"Good question," You said, slowly raising your head, and turning to face the voice that so confidently spoke out to you.

Before you, stood a slightly tanned man with dark brown locks. He was neither tall nor short, but more so average height. He chuckled at your response to his question, "I suppose we all find ourselves on a park bench at some point in time."

"I suppose so," was your only response. You stood up facing the man.

"Tom Tanaka," the man said, outstretching his hand.

You nodded, "(y/n)," you took the mans hand and shook it.

The man looked around, almost guiltily, "I've never seen you around these parts, does it happen that you're new here?"

You nodded your head slightly, "Mhm. I just moved here from Italy."

"Ah, Italy. I've never been there but it's always seemed like a fine place," you nodded your head, watching as a man approached behind the presumed Tom Tanaka.

"Hey, Tom. Oh," The man said gruffly, taking notice of you, "whos this?"

"Ah, this is (y/n). She supposedly just moved here," Tom said. The man, who was now beside him, was broadly built, supporting blonde hair and a bartenders outfit.

"I see. Shizuo Heiwajima," the man didn't take your hand, but instead nodded.

"As you've heard, (y/n)," you said nodding in response. The blonde man drew out a cigarette, and moments later he lit it. He took a long draw, and then exhaled slowly. The smoke danced with the breeze, extending its way to it's impossible goal of the sky.

"Ikebukuro treating you well?" Shizuo asked and you nodded again, "Well that's good. It can be pretty rough around these parts."

"Yes," Tom interjected, "it appears she's already run into dear Izaya~kun. Poor dear mistaked me for him at first, I can only imagine he was dabbling in those damning ways of his."

You could hear Shizuo growl faintly, you found it quite odd, "That flea bastard, did he cause you any trouble?"

At first you began to shake your head 'yes,' but then realized that it would be best to erase all happenings that involved Matsuo. You reluctantly shook your head 'no.'

"Good," Shizuo took one last draw before allowing the cigarette to hang limply in between his teeth, "damned flea has it coming anyway though."

"I presume you do not fancy Mr. Orihara?" you asked.

"No," Sizuo replied, "He's a damned bastard," he sighed, "If he so much as ever pisses you off, or hell, shows his face, be sure to let me know."

"I have no means of communi-" you begun to say before Tom cut you off.

"Well it was nice and lovely (y/n), but I fear we've got a schedule to attain to. There are a lot of people who owe a lot of money 'round this time, or any time for that matter. We'll be on our way," You nodded in response.

"Nice to met you Mr. Tanaka and Mr. Heiwajima," They both nodded, glancing at eachother, and then walked off. 

Now it was just you standing alone in the park. Your stomach grumbled in response to the absence of people, "This damn city better have some place good to eat," you complained to the wind, making your way into town.

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