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Your POV-

Your heels dug into the ground. Oh how that man made you irritated. You never caught his name, but you began to already hate him.

The clock now read 21:21. Your conversation with the man lasted roughly 4 minutes, which was 4 more minutes then you had originally planned to talk to him. 

You rounded a corner, and came across a sleek, slender building, in which housed your newly rented apartment. Upon entering the tall building, you were hit with a wave of air freshener that smelled slightly of cherry blossoms. You scrunched your nose at the repelling smell, it was quite sweet and hardly smelt like the real thing. 

You absent mindedly put your hand in your pocket and thumbed over your room key. You fidgeted quite a lot, as it helped you concentrate. You took in the surrounding lobby. Directly in front of you there was a semi-circle of oak, with a quaint old lady behind its granite counters. In each corner of the rectangular room, there were identical potted plants with a white pot and an abundance of leafy greens; you assumed they were fake. The walls held asymmetrical paintings of cherry trees, each presumably by a different artist.

You headed to your left where an elevator stood. You pushed the "up" button and waited alongside a woman with long dark hair, and a rather unflattering green shirt. The elevator chimed and a elderly man stepped out. You and the woman both entered after you falsely smiled at the man. He returned a soft, genuine, smile and nodded his head.

You pushed the "11" floor button and the woman pushed the "15" floor button. You figured she was residential to that floor and decided you should familiarize yourself with your new 'neighbor.' You may need her as a pawn in future schemes.

"Hello," you plainly said, waiting to see what kind of personality she had.

"Hello," she replied back, seemingly as plainly as you had. Her eyes held a darkness to them, but showed signs of a great passion. You could always read people by their eyes. People often forgot to hide that part of themselves. 

You sighed as the elevator was going quite slower than you expected, only now having hit the 3 floor. "God, I'm sorry, I've just been so tired lately," you flashed a fake smile at her, in which she didn't return. She made a bored expression, though you could see that her eyes held a tiredness. 

"It's quite fine, I'm altogether tired myself. My... 'boss' has been working me quite hard lately, and I've recently been thinking about quitting," you knew she had lied about wanting to quit, and the pause between the words "my" and "boss" suggested that there was another reason for her complying. The elevator hit floor 5.

"I understand, my boss is altogether quite dull. He's such a screw up, I seriously am rethinking working for him. It's just..." You let your voice trail off for effect. You lied about having a job, as you had only just moved here, and the woman, who seemingly didn't notice, smiled an actual smile. She almost seemed relieved. The elevator hit floor 6.

"Can I tell you something?" You asked the woman. You didn't necessarily want to have a social standing with this woman, but it would be necessary if you wanted to become well-known in this big city.

"Sure," the woman seemed much more open to talk, still holding a small smile. 

"Im sorry, but I really hate your sweater," you fake laughed. You noticed that people seemed much more open to "honesty."

The woman laughed back and looked down at her sweater. "It is quite old I suppose. Honestly the only reason I wear it is because someone very dear gave it to me, it's sort of a memento."

"I totally get it, I've lost important people to me too."

"Oh I didn't lose the person, I just like to be remembered of them constantly," the woman looked up from her shirt. She took a double take and looked at you with a smile. "I'm Namie Yagiri."

"Nice to meet you," you smiled fakely back, "I'm y/n."

"Nice to meet you too."

The elevator hit floor ten. You stood the last few seconds in a comfortable silence with the woman who proclaimed to be called Namie. 

The elevator hit your floor, number 11, and the doors opened. You stepped out and waved to the woman, and she waved back. "See you around Ms. (l/n)," Namie called out, rather blatantly. Despite this you could tell she was warming up to you. You smiled and nodded. The doors closed and you made your way to your door, your face falling from that exhausting smile.

You grabbed your key from your pocket and swiped it in front of the lock, opening your room with a shark click. As you entered, you tried to make out the last few mumbles you heard Namie speak before the elevator door shut. You could have sworn she said the name "Izaya."

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