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Izaya POV-

He stared at the screen, his red-brown eyes reflecting the dancing pixels. He smirked, 'so this girl has a story,' he thought, 'obviously something traumatic- no that's too simple of a word- something beautifully impure happened to her. Something that made her smile fade.'

He clicked further into the programming, enabling him to see the post's author and time of the post. It was posted by someone by the name of Sakursaki Ohujami, and was supposedly posted September 17, 2006. He tried clicking the authors name but 'user not found' abruptly made an appearance on the screen. He repeatedly clicked in frustrated bliss, but alas, the user was never found. He sighed and hit his keyboard, in which also inadvertently hit the CTRL button. Suddenly the post's unedited description came up, however there were no comments. 

'My darling loves the flavor of cherry. She says it reminds her of red, in which is the color of blood, anger, inhumanity, and love. She said it reminded her of me.  I said it reminded me of her. It's funny how we're both so broken, and yet we feel fixed by something as little as a cherry lolipop. That's the true beauty of insane love," he was fixated on the monitor, his mind racing. He frowned. He felt it was unsatisfactory that this girl, given he barely knew her, was hard to track down. This post never said her name, provided a location, nor did it allow him to further investigate this 'Sakursaki' person.

He felt both slightly estatic and slightly nauseous at his incapability to find out who this girl really was. It left both potential and failure. It was a yin and yang; it was beautiful. Whoever this girl is, has the capability to embody true disparity, and yet hold so much promise. He loved that quality in humans, hers more so over theirs.  

He shut off his computers, one by one. Namie, who at this point had left the room, was presumably sleeping. He got up, having finished his green tea, and threw the cup towards the door where a garbage can lay open. The can flawlessly made it in, 'this is a sure sign that I'm a god,' he thought whilst smirking. 

He yawned, outstretching his arms, and rubbed his eyes only slightly, 'how dull sleep is,' he thought. He made his way over to his room, and climbed into bed. He didn't bother changing tonight, his mind was far too busy racing to think about careless things such as attire. 

He left his eyes open in the dark. It was the kind of dark your eyes never adjusted to. He wondered about the girl, wondering what her connection was to this 'Sakursaki' person. He supposed maybe they were lovers, he smirked and rolled over to his other side. He outstretched his arm until he felt the coldness of his phone screen. He turned it on and scrolled through his chatrooms and finally setteled on one.

甘楽(Kanra) entered the chat room

甘楽(Kanra): Hello!!!!!!!!

甘楽(Kanra): Huuuuuuuuhh?! It seems no ones here (ಥـْـِـِـِـْಥ)

甘楽(Kanra): That's such a shame, I was hoping to maybe talk to 田中太郎 (TarouTanaka)

甘楽(Kanra): oh well, it's useless talking here now

甘楽(Kanra): Night everyone ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

甘楽(Kanra) has left the chat room 

There is no one in the chat room

Izaya sighed and shut his phone. He could hardly believe no one was up at 03:21 on a Tuesday. How dull. He rolled back over and shut his eyes, bracing for sleep. And allowing the overpowering darkness of dreams wash over him.

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