Galatians 2:20

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Galatians 2:20 - Edward Antigua

Hi! I will be sharing with you my life's testimony on how God's power manifested in my life.

I was born and raised in a Christian family. I experienced Identity Crisis when I was in high school. In my college years, I was able to do what I wanted to do when my father went outside of the country.

I became a drag queen (a gay cross-dresser), and I had a long hair. I wear make-up, put-on paddings everywhere in my body, and even took pills (contraceptive, female hormones) just to make myself look like a lady - my greatest before. I was "happy" with my life back then, I had money, I had many friends who also enjoy the life of being gay, I was also an eye-catcher which makes me known in the area where I lived, even at work. I am like those gays you see everywhere.

Year 2011, the Lord has been touching my heart through Christian posts on Facebook, like videos, Bible verses, and other stuff like the End of the World is about to come. At first, I ignored those posts, although I was convicted, but I still ignored them because I was not ready to give up my life. But God has been so gracious and patient with me. He kept on sending me these messages and videos everytime I check my facebook account, even the TV news and other stuff that I watched on the TV. Fortunately, God made His way in my heart after months of bombarding me with His love messages especially this message that came to my mind, "I am coming soon. Are you still going to be like that?". After that, I started to read my Bible everyday. I don't know but I had the strength to read the Bible (this time I still had my long hair). I was able to finish reading the whole Bible in a couple of months. By then, I felt like I was going crazy because I hear many voices inside me; telling me to cut my hair, and another voice saying not to, and ither stuff. It was like a real battle in my mind. By the grace of God, one day, I decided to cut my hair. After I had my hair cut (male cut), one funny thing was that I looked like a lesbian! Anyhow, I still accepted the fact that my old figure is already gone. After I cut my hair, the Lord has been so faithful in working in my life. My love and desire for God grew even more, the more I sought Him in prayer, in reading the Bible, and even in going to church. I preferred to go to a full-gospel church because heart was so hungry of His Word and His presence. It was a step by step process, taking away my vices slowly (smoking, being alcoholic, drugs, etc.), and one of the most hard decisions, to give up my friends. I love my friends but I understood that I can no longer mingle with them because my old ways are not God's ways, so I let go of them.

I asked the Lord to give me Christian friends and a church that would make me grow in Him. Indeed, God is faithful! He sent me Christian friends and a bridal church. Right now, I still feel stunned of What God did and is doing in my life. He gave me the desires of my heart, to grow in Him. Now, I am still a work in progress but I know, I have gone a long way from who I was before. God is alive, indeed! The change in me is still in progress; my friends couldn't even believe when I show them my old picture having long hair compared to my current look. Most of them show me a funny reaction on their face, not believing it was me in the picture.

God is amazing! He is able to make beautiful things out of dust. He is able to change a person's life as long as the person is willing to give up his life and take up the cross, and live life in God's ways. It's not that easy, but it's worth it. I found real happiness the moment I started to live my life for God. The happiness that is everlasting. The happiness that can only be found in Christ Jesus.

I am happy and so thankful to God for rescuing me. If I died during those times when I was completely under the devil's hands, I surely would've gone to hell, no doubt, but because of His love for me, He rescued me from the pit of hell.

I am now saved, by the grace of God.

I now live as Galatians 2:20 says,"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

I have one message to you my dear readers: If you see a gay or any person which you may think has no chance in life, has no chance to be saved, please do not judge them. Instead, pray for them.

In the eyes of men, it may be impossible, but in the eyes of God, nothing is impossible.

I give all the glory and honor to my God! Amen.

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