Act89 An apple a day keeps the demons away

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After being seriously wounded from their battle with the demons,

Grim had sent someone to properly tend to the Agents' wounds.

A young Agent appeared before Erika and Keith and introduced

himself as Agent Isaac.The two injured agents stands and were

ready to introduce themselves.

Keith:Nice to meet you,Agent Isaac.I'm Agent Keith and this

is Agent Erika.

Erika:It's a pleasure to meet you.

Isaac stares at Erika for a moment.This cause her to feel

uneasy and blush a little.

Erika:Ummm,Agent I-Isaac?

To Erika's surprise,Isaac gently takes her hand and gives a gentle

kiss.Erika's eyes widen and instantly turns red.

Isaac:Agent Erika.That's a lovely name.Will you please be the

mother of my--?

Keith gets in between the two and interrupt their conversation.

Erika quickly hides behind Keith who was still embarrassed to

what just happened.

Keith:Excuse me but that's my wife you were trying to bear your

children with.

Isaac:Oh,sorry for the confusion.It's just that,I never expected for

a young woman to already be married.Please,excuse my behavior.(bows)

Keith and Erika looks at each other and decides to leave that

embarrassing matter aside.

Keith:So,how are you going to heal us anyway?

You don't have anything with you.

Isaac:You should know by now,Agent Keith,that I'm an Agent working

for the Organization.And since I am one,you should never judge a

book by it's cover.(eyes glow)

Isaac looks at the area where Keith was fully bandaged up.

Isaac:You have a severely deep wound I see.

Keith:H-How did you know?(surprise expression)

Isaac:It's just a few of what I can do.Now come closer so that I

can take care of that.


Isaac:Don't you worry.It's perfectly harmless and you

won't feel a thing.

Keith:When you say that,it sounds like that I will certainly feel a thing.

But since you're the only one here that can help us,I might as well take that risk.

Keith comes closer to his fellow Agent.Isaac then take both his hands and

press it over the wounded area.As he does,blood stains appear on the bandage.

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