Chapter 2

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"Wake Me Up, Before you GO GO"

The alarm sounds like an amp turned up too eleven. Nausea settles deep in my belly as the events of last night play over like a nightmare. Almost getting mugged (possibly killed), getting saved by a helmet mask guy, and then having the guy walk me home after I stopped him from killing someone. Daredevil. The name still tastes foreign, even though it's been playing over and over from the moment I crash landed in my bed. The man, covered from head to toe in crimson, saved the day. His tone dark, brooding, with a hint of loneliness that could shatter even the happiness of souls. His tone changed after he laughed, even the small chuckle managed to light up the world around us. It was like Beethoven's final symphony, perfect but not completely whole. Feeling like this after last night, it's like a hangover from to much adrenaline. The sun peaks through the black out curtains, casting dancing shadows across the unpainted walls. The bitter smell of coffee drifts through the air, an intoxicating way to make my eyes open fully. A deep breath through the nostrils helps my body fully appreciate the hot, bitter, bean water that is brewing. After the sixth time of playing the song, my alarm finally shuts off. Then a realization hit me; how do I smell brewing coffee? I haven't gotten up yet, OH-


The room moved so quickly, that it seemed the earth was playing a game. I don't think I've ever moved so quickly in my  25 years of life. Grabbing the hidden bat from beneath my bed, I storm my way into the small kitchen. Mentally preparing to fight 'Daredevil' to the death my breath hitches. What if it is Red? I mean if he was really down for murder he could've easily done it last night. Maybe he wants to rape and murder me? Again, last night was the best opportunity. Hmm possibly he just wants a cup of Jo after a long night of beating people up? The small hallway conceals whoever is on the other side. The metal instrument feels heavy as my breaths come in small gasps. The bat rises painfully slow over head while I try to make as little noise as possible. This is it. Charlie, you're going to become a murderer but it's okay. Fogger can help ya. Oh I cannot go to prison I am way to pretty for that. And sarcastic. I'd be killed the first day. Inhaling deeply, time seems to slow down. My vision becomes focused on a shadow peeking around the corner, getting prepared to probably get murdered. A loud battle cry, that sounds more like a shriek escapes as I pounce.


"WHAA-Foggy? FOGGY! How in the fucking hell did you get in?  Did-Did you BREAK into my apartment? That's it, I'm getting a fucking dog. After last night, and now my best friend breaking into my house, I need a killer. Like a German Shepherd or someth-QUIT LAUGHING AT ME."

It was so hard to stay mad at Foggy, especially when he starts to laugh. Franklin Percy Nelson, better known as Foggy to friends and Fogger to me. We've been attached at the hip since childhood. Our mother's went to college together and had Foggy and I two years apart. He used to baby sit me in Junior High, and I used to hang out with him and all his friends. When he graduated for Columbia, I was there with flowers and a stuffed frog that he keeps on his desk. He's been such a pain in the ass, but the best friend a girl could hope for. Just like an older brother, even though I never wanted one. Foggy embraced me in a deep hug, his warmth seeping in through my cold body. He smelled of flowery shampoo and a masculine cologne, a scent that was always a distant memory. His soft figure presses firmly against mine, and underneath a hard body hides. This takes me off guard and I pull away, finally examining him. Foggy was about 5'9 and had some of the best hair I had seen on anyone. The hair was blonde, lustrous, and to be envy'd by women everywhere. Foggy's eyes were ever-changing with his moods. The colors switch between hazel and green, creating an illusion at times where he had two different colored eyes at the same time. He was always on the thicker side but he seems much smaller than the last time. He's wearing a loose fitting suit, one that shows his weight loss but in a flattering way.

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