CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Dalisay the Diwata

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Ian rose and said, "My lady, our deity. I am your servant, Ian from the elven kingdom. I am at your command."

"Ian! What are you talking about? Did you suffer any concussions last night?"

"My lady—"

"That's not my name!"

Ian shook his head. "You are my friend Lira. But within you lies Diwata Dalisay, deity of the forest and of the earthen beings, one of the Dayanghirang—the chosen princess."

"Ian, please! I have already enough on my plate as of now. I don't find this joke funny at all. If you will not cease this nonsense, I'll walk out of here," Lira threatened. She couldn't take anymore jokes or any nonsense at this moment. Anytime soon, she might just explode.

"I am sorry Lira; I didn't mean to upset you. But I'm not playing any tricks on you. You are who I said you are. In time you will have all your previous memories back." Ian looked at Lira levelly. "When you confided with me about your dreams and headaches, I knew they were memories slowly resurging. Last night, I felt the earth shook, and I felt your power. The trees whispered me what happened." He took a step closer to Lira. "Did you not wonder how the trees in the woods came into your assistance last night? Or how at ease you are whenever you're here, surrounded with plants and trees?"

Lira remembered the root grappling the monster or the vine choking the creature; but she was too shocked that she had forgotten about it until Ian mentioned it now. Last night she had been more concerned with saving Matt and herself from the impending doom. "I don't understand," she said almost quietly.

"You commanded them. They protected you. Lira you are the descendant of Dalisay, she flows within your vein, she lives within you. The time will come when you will be one with her. For years, we have watched over your generations of family, as an oath we made to the deity. She made a promise she would rise once again when the right time comes. So we made sure her line does not die. We watched over your family from afar. But when your mother was killed, we could not take any more risk and we hid you in south."

"My mother was killed? My parents died in an accident."

"I'm sorry Lira. They were killed. But you will learn about it soon enough. Your aunt? She's actually a half-elf. She was tasked to take care of you until you're of age or your powers have bloomed."

It was hard to hear how the aunt that took care of her, loved her, the person whom she loved in the entire world was not a blood relative after all. And Lira tried very hard to understand and absorb everything Ian was telling her.

"When your aunt reported to the elf king that you decided to attend the academy, the king sent me to keep an eye on you. And to one day teach you your powers if the time for the deity to rise comes." He removed his glasses and waved a hand across his body and a blink of an eye he changed in his true elven form. The tall and lanky kid transformed into an elven warrior in form-fitting silver and gold armor underneath a gray hooded cloak, his brown hair became longer past his shoulders and eyes glimmered clear amber under the sun. With another wave of his hand he returned back to his tall and lanky form. "I used my glamour to guise myself as a human. But it's using too much of my energy. That's why I come here in the garden more often to replenish the lost energy." He shook his head and gave a small laugh. "That's why I constantly trip and fall. I was becoming weak with using too much energy for the glamour."

Lira's knees gave in and she fell into a heap on the ground. This was too much for her to all comprehend! Lira housing a deity, her mother killed, her friend an elf... And to top all of that was her deal with Nicholas. These much for a seventeen-year-old? What next, would she go on fight crime and evil and save the world? Those were just in the novels. If Ian would so much as mention that she would surely explode!

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