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I make my way out of Michael's old room as quietly as possible, silently praying that the floor boards won't creak as I make my way down to the end of the hallway.

As expected Michael remains inside of the room, most likely trying to figure out a way to exit the house without being seen.

I pay close attention to the talking coming from what sounds like two men.

"Hurry up and tie his arms down, the maggot won't stop squirming," the first man growls.

"Well I would if you would just pass the fucking rope," the second argues.

I know all too well they were talking about Luke. Why hasn't he yelled for help?

I peak around the corner and my eyes go wide. I quickly retract my head before I was spot. They have Luke tied to one of the kitchen chairs with thick black tape strapped across his mouth.

I recognise one of the men to be Terrance, but I'm not sure who the other man is. His build is even more masculine than Terrance's and not to mention, taller. His short hair is a light shade of blonde-brown and the only part of his body that doesn't seem to be covered in tattoos is his head.

How the hell am I going to get him out of there?

Tilting my head back, I squeeze my eyes shut and clench my teeth together tight trying to think hard.

I quickly open my eyes when I hear someone rapidly breathing not too far from where I am standing.

To my great relief it is only Michael, peaking into the room Luke is in.

"I thought you weren't going to help me," I whisper.

Michael looks at me for a brief second and then back into the room. "I'm not," he whispers in a blunt reply.

I shoot him an unimpressed look. "Why not?"

Michael ignores me which causes me to roll my eyes.

"Michael." I say it a little louder than a whisper this time.

Michael turns his head and glares at me. "You wanna get us both killed mate? If so, you're going about it the right way so shut the fuck up." He is talking in a fast whisper now. "I only came here for one thing and now I'm trying to find a way out without being seen. Is that okay with you?"

"Sorry," I mutter.

Michael runs his hands over his face and mumbles a few words to himself before looking at me again. "You know what? I'm sorry. I literally don't know how I'm going to get out without help."

"I'll help you if you help me," I offer in a hurry as I am scared as to what is happening to Luke.

I peer into the room again and see no one except for Luke strapped to the chair.

"Let's go now," I say, grasping at the open opportunity.

Michael grabs my shoulder and pulls me back as I am about to step through the door way.

Luke looks up and his eyes go wide. He starts to struggle and muffled attempts of talking come from his mouth.

"I was going to untie Luke," I frowns and shrug the red haired boy off me.

"That's not a good idea. They won't be too far off," states Michael.

I don't say anything in responce; he is right after all.

As if on que the two guys come back into the room Luke is in. Sudden reflex kicks in and both Michael and I jolt further away from the door so we won't be seen or heard.

Electricity [a.irwin]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora