9. Please, Don't Say It

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"The sky isn't the only thing that looks beautiful tonight."

I look up and once again see that look in his eyes. It's a look I've almost given him several times before, but I can tell he wants to let it free. He steps closer to me causing myself to step back.

"Please, don't say it," I whisper. He once again steps closer to me causing me to step back into the wall.

"Say what," he murmurs.

"You know exactly what," I tell him as he moves his hand to push back my hair. He completely ignores my statement and continues to admire me.

"If I can't say it then I'll show you." He says causing my eyes to widen.

1 day earlier

I do my math homework in a rush having totally forgotten that it was due the next day when I get a text from my best friend, Tyler.

Tyler: Hey, you going to Jake's party tomorrow.

Abby: Wasn't planning on it but if you're going, why not?

Tyler: K, I'll pick you up thirty minutes before.

Abby: Alright. <3

I sigh having agreed to go to Jake's party. I'm usually not a party goer but it seems to me that Tyler and I have been growing distant lately. But then again it might just be me pushing him away. I love him. I love my best friend and have no idea what I'm supposed to do about it.

The worst part is that I'm pretty sure he feels the same way about me. Scratch that, I know he does. We've been together forever. I can tell that the looks aren't the same look he gave me when we were kids.

It's not a look that says, "I admire you." It's not even a look that just says, "I love you." Instead, it's a look of longing.

It's a look that says, "I want to be with you." It's a look I'm terrified of. It's six words that I'm terrified of hearing him say. Because if he says them. I know, I will say them back.

As I get ready for the party I wonder what it is I should wear. I decide to go with something casual but not too casual before waiting for Tyler.

As we head to the party we make small talk as usual. But of course, it's not the same. It's not as comfortable.

At the party, it's pretty quiet and chill. Kids playing Xbox on the couch, a few in the kitchen, or just mingling in general. I wasn't quite sure why Tyler brought me here. Parties were never really his thing in general and even when he did go to him they were a bit more... rambunctious.

Finally, I get my answer once the sun sets.

"Come with me." Tyler smiles with his hand out. I nod and take his hand leading me wherever he needs me to go. "Close your eyes," he asks and I chuckle lightly before doing as told. He leads me through a door to where I assume is outside since I feel the cold nip at my skin. Finally, he uncovers my eyes and I gasp at the starry sky ahead.

"Wow," I breathe out.

"Jake's place might not throw the best parties but it's surely got the best view

"I'll admit that I'm not one to look at the sky much," I say shyly rubbing my arms to warm myself. In one quick motion, Tyler takes off his jacket and wraps it around me.

"Stay warm I don't want you getting sick," he chuckles. I wrap it around me tighter and breathe in his scent. I love it.

"There's a reason I brought you out here," he says catching me off guard.

"The sky isn't the only thing that looks beautiful tonight."


"If I can't say it then I'll show you." He says causing my eyes to widen.

They quickly close once again as I feel his lips on mine. It's not long though. It's short but sweet with a fair amount of terrifying. It's not because I don't trust him. Because I do trust him. More than anyone in this world, really. It's that now everything has changed.

Yesterday I could have sneaked him in my room at one 'clock at night and my parents wouldn't care if they saw him out the front door in the morning. Yesterday we could have snuggled up in my bed to movies and it wouldn't mean a thing. At least not out loud.

It would have just been me hearing him knock on my window with butterflies in my stomach. Him leaving the next morning feeling proud of himself as my parents awed at my best friend. It would have been him snuggled up to some movie he didn't even want to watch while doing his best not to get to close. It would have been us not saying a word about how we truly felt..

As soon as his lips leave mine tears begin to fall from my blue eyes.

"Wait, Abby please don't cry." He murmurs panicked. I shake my head no and continue crying. "I'm sorry I won't do it again," he promises. But that isn't what I want. I immediately pull him down for another kiss. This one longer and with more emotion. We part and he looks me dead in the eyes to say the one thing I've always been afraid of.

"I want to be with you, Abby." He says and just like I always knew I would I reply.

"I want to be with you too," I say. I'm terrified yet in awe at the same time because just like that.

Everything changes.


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